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Results for: 'Compare%20Osmosis%20with%20Reverse%20Osmosis'

DNA fingerprinting Animation

By: HWC, Views: 3564

DNA fingerprinting enables a scientist to compare the DNA from two biological samples, such as a blood stain and a suspect's blood. A restriction enzyme is added to the samples to be compared. The enzyme cuts the DNA into smaller fragments. The DNA fragments are placed on an electrophor...

What is Reverse Osmosis?

By: HWC, Views: 4372

Osmosis is when a solvent, such as water, moves from a low-solute concentration solution to a higher-solute concentration solution through a semipermeable. Osmosis is an example of diffusion (a special case of diffusion) in which the molecules are water, and the concentration gradient occurs a...

What is Reverse Osmosis?

By: HWC, Views: 3928

Osmosis is when a solvent, such as water, moves from a low-solute concentration solution to a higher-solute concentration solution through a semipermeable. Osmosis is an example of diffusion (a special case of diffusion) in which the molecules are water, and the concentration gradient occurs a...

Hierarchical Sequencing Method - Sequence Tagged Sites

By: HWC, Views: 5848

In the hierarchical sequencing method, researchers begin by collecting cells. In humans, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromo-somes. Here we specifically track the DNA from just one of the 23 pairs. Chromosomes have a series of unique DNA sequences, called sequence-tagged sites (STSs), that a...
