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Results for: 'Part 2'

Cardiac Cycle (Part 4 of 4)

By: Administrator, Views: 12752

Diastole and systole are two phases of the cardiac cycle. They occur as the heart beats, pumping blood through a system of blood vessels that carry blood to every part of the body. Systole occurs when the heart contracts to pump blood out, and diastole occurs when the heart relaxes after contract...

Optic Nerve and Optic Disk Animation (Part 1 of 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 12788

Inner Layer Blind spot: the absence of rods and cones in the area of the optic disk creates a blind spot on the retina's surface; the only part of the retina that is insensitive to light. Inner Layer The eye contains approximately 120 million rods that are sensitive to dim light. The rods ...


By: Administrator, Views: 12461

Atrophy is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body. Causes of atrophy include mutations (which can destroy the gene to build up the organ), poor nourishment, poor circulation, loss of hormonal support, loss of nerve supply to the target organ, excessive amount of apoptosis of c...

Types of Shock (Part 2 of 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 12276

Shock is a life-threatening condition in which delivery of oxygen to the organs is low, causing organ damage and sometimes death. Blood pressure is usually low.

Types of Shock (Part 2 of 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 12631

Shock is a life-threatening condition in which delivery of oxygen to the organs is low, causing organ damage and sometimes death. Blood pressure is usually low.

Neurosynapse Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12574

In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron or to the target effector cell. Synapses are essential to neuronal function: neurons are cells that are specialized to pass signals to individual tar...


By: Administrator, Views: 12927

Inflammation is part of the body's immune response. Infections, wounds, and any damage to tissue would not be able to heal without an inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation can eventually cause several diseases and conditions, including some cancers and rheumatoid arthritis.

Labor and Delivery - Transition

By: Administrator, Views: 338

The last part of active labor – when your cervix dilates from 8 to a full 10 centimeters – is called the transition period because it marks the shift to the second stage of labor. This is the most intense part of labor. Contractions are usually very strong, coming every two and a half to t...


By: Administrator, Views: 12901

Sigmoidoscopy is also a diagnostic test for people who have rectal bleeding, a change in bowel habits, or other symptoms. Finding polyps in the lower part of the colon means there is a higher chance of having them elsewhere in the colon.
