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Results for: 'Photoresist Development'

Introduction to Photolithography - WC, BLF, PA, Hard and Soft baking

By: HWC, Views: 6401

Prior to use, wafers are chemically cleaned to remove particulate matter on the surface as well as any traces of organic, ionic, and metallic impurities. Barrier Layer Formation After cleaning, the silicon wafer is covered with the material which will serve as a barrier layer. The most commo...

Embryonic development - Weeks 5 to 8

By: HWC, Views: 6931

• The second month of development is characterized by rapid development of the head and limbs as well as continued organogenesis. • During the fifth and sixth weeks growth of the brain, and therefore head, is rapid. • Hands and feets begin to form. • During week seven, even more deve...

Fetal Development of the Cardiovascular System

By: Administrator, Views: 9581

How the heart develops in the uterus.

Fetal development - Weeks 9 to 38

By: HWC, Views: 6936

Weeks 9-12 • Fetal development during the third month includes: • A large head, about 1/2 the length of the fetus. • Visible eyes and ears. • A detectable heartbeat. • Kidneys that form urine. • Gender identification. • Weak, undetectable body movements. • By the e...

Cognitive development by Piaget (Preoperational stage or intelligence)

By: HWC, Views: 6031

The next stage of cognitive development proposed by Piaget, is the preoperational stage, roughly between the ages of 2 and 7. At this stage Piaget asserted that a child has what he called preoperational intelligence. hey can mentally representing objects, but do not have a system for organising...

hGH (protein synthesis, growth and development)

By: HWC, Views: 7264

• Increased GHRH, a hypothalamic releasing hormone stimulated by low blood glucose, physical exertion, and increased sympathetic stimulation, stimulates the production of human growth hormone (hGH) from the somatotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary. • Human growth hormone targets cartil...

Male Reproductive System - Testosterone

By: HWC, Views: 7426

• Under the influence of FSH and testosterone, Sertoli cells produce androgen-binding protein (ABP) that binds to testosterone and maintains high levels of the hormone near spermatogenic cells. • Testosterone stimulates the final stages of spermatogenesis. • In addition, testosterone is...

TRH/TSH/Thyroid hormone

By: HWC, Views: 6396

Thyroid hormone production • A decline in metabolic rate caused by increased metabolic need or physical exertion stimulates the production of thyrotropin hormone releasing (TRH) hormone from the cells of the hypothalamus. • Thyrotropin hormone releasing hormone targets the thyrotrophic ce...

Fertilization Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 408

At conception, the gender and other biologic traits of the new individual are determined. The zygote is genetically complete and immediately begins to divide, forming a solid mass of cells called a morula. When the developing embryo (stage of development between weeks 2 and 8) reaches the ute...
