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Results for: 'cytoplasm'

Structure of a Ribosome

By: HWC, Views: 3657

The structure and function of the mammalian ribosome. The mammalian ribosome consists of two subunits, one small and one large. Each subunit is assembled in the nucleus from rRNA and structural proteins. Once assembled, the ribosomal subunits are shipped separately to the cytoplasm. ...

Functional zones in a mitochondrion

By: HWC, Views: 4720

A mitochondrion has a double membrane system. The outer membrane faces the cytoplasm. The inner membrane divides the organelles interior into two compartments. The enzymes that carry out the second stage reactions are in the semifluid matrix inside the inner compartment. Embedded in the ...

Cellular Respiration & Glucose Mobilization (Glucose transport & Phosphorylation of Glucose)

By: HWC, Views: 6530

Glucose is completely broken down into CO2 and H2O during the process of cellular respiration, which includes 3 stages: 1) glycolysis; 2) the Krebs Cycle; and 3) the electron transport chain. Glucose enters this energy yielding pathway of cellular respiration in the first stage known as...

The life cycle of protein

By: HWC, Views: 6316

The life cycle of a typical protein begins with its synthesis on a ribosome. As the polypeptide chain grows, molecules of a chaperone protein bind along its length. This prevents misfolding of the nascent polypeptide. ATP binding causes chaperone release. For most proteins, the polypeptide th...

Origin of organelles Animation

By: HWC, Views: 374

Possible origins of the nucleus and other organelles. Some prokaryotic cells have infoldings of their plasma membrane. These infoldings may have served as channels from the cytoplasm to the cell surface. These membranous folds may have evolved into the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear e...

Cell mediated immune response to a viral infection Animation

By: HWC, Views: 2774

Intracellular pathogens are the targets of cell-mediated immune response. The process begins when a virus infects a macrophage. Another macrophage engulfs the same virus or an antigen from it. In both cells, enzymes cleave the viral antigens into small bits. The fragments move to the cell sur...

Rh blood type and complications during pregnancy & Fertilization

By: HWC, Views: 4165

Complications can arise if an Rh- woman is impregnated by an Rh+ man. The fetus maybe Rh+. During childbirth, some of the fetal Rh+ cells may leak into the maternal bloodstream. The woman's immune system views the Rh+ as foreign and makes antibodies against it. If the woman becomes pr...

Splitting of Sugar, Oxidation/ Reduction & ATP Generation

By: HWC, Views: 6447

The next reaction shows us the meaning of "glycolysis" or the splitting of glucose. The fructose bisphosphate molecule is split into two molecules each containing 3 carbons as the backbone. FBP is split into two 3-carbon molecules called G3P, or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Notice that the phos...

Molecules, Membrane Permeability and Structure

By: HWC, Views: 6228

Organisms are not isolated system at equilibrium and need to intake nutrients and electrolytes as remove wastes. Similarly Cells within an organism must also exchange compound by passing them through membrane. The permeability of a membrane is the rate of passive diffusion of molecules th...
