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Results for: 'femur'

Hip Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9409

A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is primarily based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture.

Fractures Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9597

Types of fractures: - Colles' - Pott's - Compression - Vertebral compression - Epiphyseal - Stress - Hip Closed, or simple–A completely internal break that does not involve a break in the skin (x-ray of the tibia and fibula). Note the break in the fibula (smaller bone). Open, or co...

Bone Healing Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9644

A visual on how bones eventually heal themselves. Traction is the application of a pulling force to maintain bone alignment during fracture healing. Different fractures require different types of traction. (A) Balanced suspension traction is commonly used for fractures of the femur. (B) Skelet...
