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Results for: 'plant tissue system'

Lipid catabolism ( ketogenesis and oxidation of glycerol) and Lipid anabolism (lipogenesis)

By: HWC, Views: 6989

• During excessive beta oxidation, the two-carbon fatty acid fragments are converted into acidic ketone bodies. • Ketosis, the overproduction of ketone bodies, can lead to acidosis (ketoacidosis) of the blood. • After lipolysis, glycerol is converted to pyruvic acid. • Pyruvic aci...

Neuron Type Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9637

Interneurons: - Are called central or associative neurons. - Located entirely within the central nervous system. - They function to mediate impulses between sensory and motor neurons.

Fetal Development of the Cardiovascular System

By: Administrator, Views: 9403

How the heart develops in the uterus.

What Are Carbohydrates? Importance of Carbs & High Carb Food

By: HWC, Views: 6710

We hear a lot about carbohydrates in the news. Everybody seems to be on a low-carb diet. The news media often has stories on this diet fad, and companies are busy producing products with reduced carbohydrates. What's this fascination with carbohydrates? In a word: "Diet." The fact is that carb...

Male Pelvis Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 266

The male pelvis is shaped like a funnel, forming a narrower outlet than the female. The bones are generally thick and heavy and more suited for lifting and running.

Stomach peristalsis & Enterogastric reflex

By: HWC, Views: 6070

• Food enters, distending the stomach. • Stretch receptors activate enteric reflexes that promote peristaltic movements. • These movements, called mixing waves, begin to mix the food with stomach secretions. • Mixing waves force the digesting food (chyme) toward and through the pylo...

Anaphylaxis Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9408

Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications and latex. If you are allergic to a substance, your immune system overreacts to this allergen by releasing chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.

Energy Flow - Trophic Levels and Food

By: HWC, Views: 6213

All of these relationships between different species are founded on one thing: energy. Organisms get food in order to get energy, which is used by the organism for growth, maintaining health, and reproduction. We can classify the members of a community according to how they obtain food. Produc...

Female Pelvis Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 1365

The female pelvis is shaped like a basin; can be oval to round, and is wider than the male pelvis. Designed to accommodate the average fetus during pregnancy and to facilitate its downward passage through the birth canal during childbirth.
