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Results for: 'Life cycle of Porphyra Animation.'
Medullary osmotic gradient - influencing factors
By: HWC, Views: 9710
▪ Maintenance of fluid volume and composition, despite changes in water input and output, is crucial to a healthy life. ▪ Regulation of blood's osmolarity, or solute concentration, is a function of the nephron. • Normal osmolarity is maintained by the ability of the nephron to alter uri...
By: Administrator, Views: 12574
Digestive system contains both primary and accessory organs for the conversion of food and fluids into a semiliquid that can be absorbed for the body to use. Three main functions: - Digestion - Absorption - Elimination With aging: - Digestive system becomes less motile. - Glandular sec...
By: Administrator, Views: 404
Muscles of both the upper arm and forearm control movement of the forearm. The biceps brachii flex the forearm and work with the supinator of the forearm to rotate it so the palm faces upward. The pronator teres and quadratus control pronation, or rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces do...
Isovolumetric VC, Ventricular ejection, Isovolumetric & Passive ventricular filling
By: HWC, Views: 9226
• Isovolumetric means that blood volume does not change. • Ventricular blood volume and cell length remain constant. • With valves closed and contraction continuing, ventricular pressure continues to rise. • Ventricular pressure rises above arterial pressure. • Increased ventr...
Wrist Flexion and Extension Animation
By: Administrator, Views: 599
Flexion describes the movement of bending the palm down, towards the wrist. Extension describes the movement of raising the back of the hand.
Head and Neck Movement Animation
By: Administrator, Views: 360
Interestingly, head and neck muscles are the first ones that the baby can control. A baby can hold his head up before he can sit erect. The muscles of the head and neck perform many important tasks, including movement of the head and neck, chewing and swallowing, speech, facial expressions, an...
By: Administrator, Views: 11806
Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Abduction - Adduction - Circumduction - Dorsiflexion Movement can occur in one plane, like with a knee bend, or in multiple planes such as with a shoulder roll. Adduction occurs when a joint moves a part of the body toward the ...
How does asthma work?And How do you treat asthma?
By: HWC, Views: 8278
These are the parts of the respiratory system. Sinuses and Nasal Passages Mouth Windpipe (Trachea) Lungs Airways (Bronchial Tubes) Airsacs (Alveoli) When we breathe, air moves easily in and out of the lungs. The small airways are also called bronchial tubes. The side of the tube is...
By: Administrator, Views: 501
The elbow pronation test is performed by placing a hand on the elbow, flexing the carpus to 90 degrees, and rotating the toes out (thus inwardly rotating the antebrachium), which places stress on the medial compartment of the elbow. Pronation – Lying prone (face downward); also turning the p...