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Results for: 'Ventricular blood volume'
By: Administrator, Views: 729
Arteries A branching system of vessels that transports blood away from the heart to all body parts. All arteries have a pulse, reflecting the rhythmical beating of the heart. Arteries Certain points are commonly used to check rate, rhythm, and condition of the arterial wall. Most commonly ...
By: Administrator, Views: 12540
Arteries A branching system of vessels that transports blood away from the heart to all body parts. All arteries have a pulse, reflecting the rhythmical beating of the heart. Arteries Certain points are commonly used to check rate, rhythm, and condition of the arterial wall. Most commonly ...
By: Administrator, Views: 532
Blood and lymph are two of the body's main fluids and are circulated through two separate but interconnected vessel systems. Blood is circulated by the action of the heart, through the circulatory system consisting largely of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Lymph does not actually circulate. ...
Hormonal feedback loop components & Glucagon (glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis)
By: HWC, Views: 9162
The endocrine system maintains many body conditions within normal limits with feedback loops. Each endocrine feedback loop maintains homeostasis using the following components: • Stimulus - a change in a body condition. • Production cell - an endocrine cell that produces a hormone after ...
Rh blood type and complications during pregnancy & Fertilization
By: HWC, Views: 6722
Complications can arise if an Rh- woman is impregnated by an Rh+ man. The fetus maybe Rh+. During childbirth, some of the fetal Rh+ cells may leak into the maternal bloodstream. The woman's immune system views the Rh+ as foreign and makes antibodies against it. If the woman becomes pr...
Acid-base imbalances - metabolic acidosis and alkalosis
By: HWC, Views: 9431
• Metabolic acidosis typically results from very low HCO3- ion blood concentrations. • Metabolic alkalosis typically results from very high HCO3- ion blood concentrations.
By: HWC, Views: 9491
• Heart rate is determined by the rate of depolarizations of the sinoatrial (SA) node. • Cardiac output is directly proportional to heart rate, the greater the heart rate the greater the cardiac output. • Changes in heart rate are associated with exercise, stress or injury. Nervous ...
By: HWC, Views: 6507
In the late 1920s, Fred Griffith was attempting to develop a vaccine against a bacterium that causes pneumonia. To find out why two strains of the bacteria differed in their deadliness, he injected mice with four different mixtures. Mice injected with R cells remained healthy. When Griffith ex...
Mechanisms of capillary exchange
By: HWC, Views: 9465
■ The primary role of capillaries is to permit the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells (via interstitial fluid). ■ Oxygen and nutrients move from the blood to the cells. ■ Carbon dioxide and other wastes move from the cells to the blood. The three ba...