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Results for: 'blood vessel'

The Hypothalamus: The Body's Thermostat (Human Thermostat)

By: HWC, Views: 8577

Normal body function requires a relatively constant body temperature, which is regulated by the body's thermostat, a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus generates a temperature set point for the body and appears to be the major site for the integration of temperature inf...

Blood Flow Through the Kidneys

By: Administrator, Views: 12191

Purplish-brown, bean-shaped organs located behind abdominal cavity (retroperitoneal area) on either side of spine, between thoracic vertebrae and lumbar region.

Types of Shock (Part 2 of 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 11977

Shock is a life-threatening condition in which delivery of oxygen to the organs is low, causing organ damage and sometimes death. Blood pressure is usually low.

Male Reproductive System - The gonadotropin releasing hormone

By: HWC, Views: 10107

• Hormonal mechanisms that influence male reproductive function involve endocrine tissues contained in the: • Hypothalamus of the brain. • Anterior pituitary. • Testes. • In the hypothalamus, certain neurosecretory cells secrete gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH). • GnRH ...

Types of Shock (Part 2 of 2)

By: Administrator, Views: 12351

Shock is a life-threatening condition in which delivery of oxygen to the organs is low, causing organ damage and sometimes death. Blood pressure is usually low.

Structures of the Eye Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 2156

Orbit A cone-shaped cavity in the front of the skull that contains the eyeball. Formed by the combination of several bones and is lined with fatty tissue that cushions the eyeball. This cavity has several foramina (openings) through which blood vessels and nerves pass. Largest opening is the ...

Steps of glucose catabolism

By: HWC, Views: 9549

• During digestion, complex carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into monosaccharides, primarily glucose. • The catabolism of glucose is the primary source of energy for cellular production of ATP. • The anabolism of glucose is important in regulating blood glucose levels. • Glucose cat...

Metabolic Rate, Heat and Thermoregulation - response to heat and cold stresses

By: HWC, Views: 9529

• A neuron group in the anterior portion of the hypothalamus controls heat balance. • Neurons in the preoptic region of the hypothalamus integrate signals that come from thermoreceptors. • The temperature control center in the preoptic region propagates control signals to two other part...

A Human Karyotype Preparation Animation

By: HWC, Views: 6548

Blood is collected from the person being analyzed. The blood is added to a growth medium that also contains a chemical that stimulates mitosis. The cells are allowed to grow in this medium for two or three days at body temperature. Colchicine is added to arrest cell division at metaphase. T...
