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Results for: 'ATPase function'
Major Elements in Biological Molecules: Proteins
By: HWC, Views: 8796
Proteins are chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. The 20 different amino acids used to make all proteins differ only in their side chains, and the properties of these side chains account for the great diversity of protein structure and function. Collagen is an example of how a prote...
How proteins function? How do proteins work?
By: HWC, Views: 8986
How proteins function is really about how proteins "do work" in cells. How do proteins work? Let's start thinking about protein function by looking at something important to you: your hair. Keratin is a structural protein that is composed of 2 intertwined or helical strands. Keratin is also f...
Introduction to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
By: Administrator, Views: 12247
Human immunodeficiency virus gains entry into helper T cells, uses the cell DNA to replicate, interferes with normal function of the T cells, and destroys the normal cells. 1 in 10 persons with AIDS: age 50 or older. 4% of all AIDS cases: age 65 or older. AIDS’ main form of treatment: an...
By: Administrator, Views: 1375
The urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra with expanded view of a nephron and the urine-filled space within a bladder. Urinary system: two kidneys, two ureters, one bladder, one urethra. Also called the excretory, genitourinary (GU), or urogenital (UG) system. Produces, stor...
Homologous chromosomes during prophase I - Animation
By: HWC, Views: 7271
The chromosomes were duplicated during interphase and the sister chromatids are now in thin threadlike form. Each chromosome becomes zippered to its homologue, so that all four chromatids are closely aligned. The chromosomes are tightly aligned, but we will show them as separate so that y...
By: Administrator, Views: 402
Respiratory system: nose pharynx larynx trachea bronchi lungs Respiratory system’s primary function: Furnish oxygen (O2) for use by individual tissue cells and take away their gaseous waste product, carbon dioxide (CO2), through act of respiration. External respiration Lungs are vent...
By: HWC, Views: 9399
• Dissociation of the chemical substances in the body fluids can result in the production of free hydrogen ions. • The pH scale is used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution. • Normal blood pH values vary around 7.4. • When hydrogen ion concentration increases, t...
By: Administrator, Views: 12559
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and so...
By: Administrator, Views: 12907
Dendrites (from Greek δένδρον déndron, "tree"), also dendrons, are branched protoplasmic extensions of a nerve cell that propagate the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural cells to the cell body, or soma, of the neuron from which the dendrites project. Electrical stimula...