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Results for: 'Anatomy and Chemical Makeup of a Single Hair (Animation)'
By: HWC, Views: 8762
Observe the burning logs of wood. The logs burn to emit heat, light and carbon dioxide. What is left behind is ash. This residue is a new substance with a different molecular structure than the original wood. Similarly when baking the dough into bread, it becomes fluffy and light. There is a ch...
Body plan of euglena Animation
By: HWC, Views: 3676
Euglenoids are single-celled organisms that live in lakes and ponds. A contractile vacuole pumps out the water that diffuses into the cell from its hypotonic surroundings. The body is covered by a translucent pellicle composed of flexible strips of a protein-rich material. Light passe...
By: Administrator, Views: 13675
The ear is generally described as having three distinct divisions, each with distinct functions: External ear Middle ear Inner ear The ear contains structures for both the sense of hearing and the sense of balance. Eighth cranial nerve: Also called the acoustic or auditory nerve. Carries...
By: HWC, Views: 6744
A neuromuscular junction is a chemical synapse between the axon endings of a motor neuron and a muscle cell. A narrow synaptic cleft separates the presynaptic cell (the motor neuron) from the postsynaptic cell (the muscle cell). The presynaptic cell contains vesicles filled with neurotransmitt...
By: HWC, Views: 8426
The vestibular system has important sensory and motor functions, contributing to the perception of self-motion, head position, and spatial orientation relative to gravity. The function of the vestibular system can be simplified by remembering some basic terminology of classical mechanics. All ...
Virtual Tour of the Eye Animation
By: Administrator, Views: 12024
Eye Composed of special anatomical structures that work together to facilitate sight: Cornea Pupil Lens Vitreous body Light stimulates sensory receptors (rods and cones) in the retina or innermost layer of the eye. Vision is made possible through the coordinated actions of nerves that co...
How eudicots (true dicots) differ from monocots Animation
By: HWC, Views: 4196
Most flowering plants are either monocots or eudicots. They have the same tissues, but slightly different features. Monocot seeds have a single cotyledon, or seed leaf. Eudicot seeds have two cotyledons. Monocot flowers usually have petals and other floral parts in multiples of three. Flow...
By: HWC, Views: 3824
This animation shows how an mRNA transcript can be used to make a cDNA strand.
Muscle Twitch and Muscle Tension - Motor unit size and force
By: HWC, Views: 9574
• A motor unit is a group of muscle cells controlled by a single neuron. • A stimulus of sufficient intensity will cause all the cells in the motor unit to contract. • A single contraction, caused by a single action potential, is called a muscle twitch. • Latent period: A brief per...