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Results for: 'amino%20acid-based%20food%20additives'

Alternative Energy Sources

By: HWC, Views: 839

Points at which organic compounds enter the reaction stages of aerobic respiration. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose. They become the substrates for glycolysis. If your body doesn't need to burn glucose for energy, glucose-6-phosphate can be co...

Membrane Protein and Facilitated Transport (Passive Vs Active)

By: HWC, Views: 6249

Membrane proteins are common proteins that are part of, or interact with, biological membranes. Membrane proteins fall into several broad categories depending on their location. Integral membrane proteins span the membrane, with hydrophobic amino acids interacting with the lipid bilayer and hy...

Protein Structure - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary

By: HWC, Views: 6632

A protein's first order structure, or primary structure, begins with the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain. The 20 different amino acids can be arranged in an infinite number of sequences. For example, the hormone insulin, which regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood into ce...

Protein catabolism (Krebs cycle) and Protein anabolism (protein synthesis)

By: HWC, Views: 7021

• Deaminated acids are brought into the Krebs cycle to be oxidized to CO2 and H2O. • Before entering the Krebs cycle, the deaminated acids are converted into intermediate products (pyruvic acid, acetyl coenzyme A, carbonic acids). • In the Krebs cycle, amino acids are oxidized to form r...

Hip Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9418

A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is primarily based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture.

PET Scan Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9750

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Computer-based nuclear imaging procedure that can produce three-dimensional pictures of actual organ functioning. Ultrasonography, Brain Use of high-frequency sound waves to record echoes on an oscilloscope and film.

Transcription—A molecular view

By: HWC, Views: 2213

Transcription, as related to genomics, is the process of making an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence. This copy, called messenger RNA (mRNA), carries the gene's protein information encoded in DNA. During transcription, a DNA molecule is copied into RNA molecules that are then used to translate...

How do the different types of chromatography work? (No Audio)

By: HWC, Views: 5969

Chromatography is a term for a variety of techniques in which a mixture of dissolved components is fractionated as it moves through some type of porous matrix. A glass column is filled with beads of an inert matrix. The mixture of proteins to be purified is dissolved in a solution and passed ...

Structure of a Ribosome

By: HWC, Views: 3570

The structure and function of the mammalian ribosome. The mammalian ribosome consists of two subunits, one small and one large. Each subunit is assembled in the nucleus from rRNA and structural proteins. Once assembled, the ribosomal subunits are shipped separately to the cytoplasm. ...
