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Results for: 'blood vessels'

The Hypothalamus: The Body's Thermostat (Human Thermostat)

By: HWC, Views: 7096

Normal body function requires a relatively constant body temperature, which is regulated by the body's thermostat, a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus generates a temperature set point for the body and appears to be the major site for the integration of temperature inf...

Structures of the Eye Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 2101

Orbit A cone-shaped cavity in the front of the skull that contains the eyeball. Formed by the combination of several bones and is lined with fatty tissue that cushions the eyeball. This cavity has several foramina (openings) through which blood vessels and nerves pass. Largest opening is the ...

Baroreceptor Reflex

By: HWC, Views: 7217

Baroreceptors located In the carotid sinus and the arch of the aorta respond to increases in blood pressure. Increased blood pressure stretches the carotid arteries and aorta causing the baroreceptors to increase their basal rate of action potential generation. Action potentials are conduct...

Upper Limb Arteries Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 702

Arteries A branching system of vessels that transports blood away from the heart to all body parts. All arteries have a pulse, reflecting the rhythmical beating of the heart. Arteries Certain points are commonly used to check rate, rhythm, and condition of the arterial wall. Most commonly ...

Lower Limb Arteries Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 11009

Arteries A branching system of vessels that transports blood away from the heart to all body parts. All arteries have a pulse, reflecting the rhythmical beating of the heart. Arteries Certain points are commonly used to check rate, rhythm, and condition of the arterial wall. Most commonly ...

Cortisol (protein catabolism, gluconeogenesis, vasoconstriction & anti-inflammation)

By: HWC, Views: 7458

• Stressors stimulate production of hypothalamic releasing hormones, corticotropin releasing hormone, hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulate. • These hormones promote increased production of 1 cortisol from the zona fasciculata cells of the adrenal cortex. • Cort...

Lymphatic System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 494

Blood and lymph are two of the body's main fluids and are circulated through two separate but interconnected vessel systems. Blood is circulated by the action of the heart, through the circulatory system consisting largely of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Lymph does not actually circulate. ...

Structures that affect circulation - kidneys, blood volume and venous tone

By: HWC, Views: 7854

• Kidneys regulate blood volume and blood osmolarity via salt and water reabsorption. • Increased reabsorption increases blood volume and venous return (and CO). • Decreased reabsorption increases urine production, which decreases blood volume and venous return (and CO). • Systemi...

TRH/TSH/Thyroid hormone

By: HWC, Views: 7425

Thyroid hormone production • A decline in metabolic rate caused by increased metabolic need or physical exertion stimulates the production of thyrotropin hormone releasing (TRH) hormone from the cells of the hypothalamus. • Thyrotropin hormone releasing hormone targets the thyrotrophic ce...
