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Results for: 'How to make cDNA Animation'

DNA Replication Factory and Protein

By: HWC, Views: 6126

DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid) carries all the genetic information needed to re-create itself and to pass on the characteristics of the organism. The “factory” model of DNA replication hypothesizes a specific nuclear structure in which the molecular machinery for replication forks are brou...

Pressure Flow Model Animation

By: HWC, Views: 5838

This apparatus of beakers A and funnels simulates the flow of a sucrose solution in the phloem of a plant. The funnels and connecting tube represent a sieve tube of the phloem. Differentially permeable membranes cap the funnels at the source and sink ends, allowing water, but not sucrose, to cros...

Humerus Rotation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 389

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Rotation - Supination

Movement of Joints Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 342

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Abduction - Adduction - Circumduction - Dorsiflexion

Classification of Joints Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 333

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Abduction - Adduction - Circumduction - Dorsiflexion Classification of Joints: - Synarthrosis (Fibrous) - Amphiarthrosis (Cartilaginous) - Diarthrosis (Synovial)

Hip Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9412

A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is primarily based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture.

Elbow Flexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 533

Normal starting position for elbow flexion is with the subject supine with the shoulder positioned in 0 degrees of flexion, extension and abduction with the arm close to the side of the body

Hip and Thigh Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 306

- The 3 hamstring muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) – these muscles form most of the flesh of the back of the thigh; they flex the knee and extend the hip; - Gluteus maximus muscle (buttock); and, - Gracilis, sartorius and plantaris muscles.

Ankle Dorsiflexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 266

Ankle dorsiflexion essentially means moving your foot so that your toes get closer to your knee.
