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Results for: 'Mechanisms for chromosome movement Animation'

Mechanisms of capillary exchange

By: HWC, Views: 6753

■ The primary role of capillaries is to permit the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells (via interstitial fluid). ■ Oxygen and nutrients move from the blood to the cells. ■ Carbon dioxide and other wastes move from the cells to the blood. The three ba...

Types of disease resistance: innate defenses & immunity

By: HWC, Views: 6846

Our immune system protects us and helps fight off disease. Microorganisms, small microscopic organisms, and viruses are everywhere. Ever thought about how many are on that door you just opened? Many microbes and viruses can cause disease and are termed pathogens. Plants and animals have what i...

Contraction and Relaxation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9585

Muscles are responsible for movement. The types of movement are: - Locomotion, when chemical energy is changed into mechanical energy. - Propulsion of substances through tubes, as in circulation and digestion. - Changes in the sizes of openings, as in the contraction and relaxation of the iris...

Hemodynamics Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 10392

Hemodynamics is the dynamics of blood flow. The circulatory system is controlled by homeostatic mechanisms, such as hydraulic circuits are controlled by control systems. Hemodynamic response continuously monitors and adjusts to conditions in the body and its environment.

Introduction to Genetics

By: Administrator, Views: 9485

Genetics is a branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms. Gregor Mendel, a scientist and Augustinian friar, discovered genetics in the late 19th-century. Mendel studied "trait inheritance", patterns in the way traits are handed down from p...

Homologous chromosomes during prophase I - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 4516

The chromosomes were duplicated during interphase and the sister chromatids are now in thin threadlike form. Each chromosome becomes zippered to its homologue, so that all four chromatids are closely aligned. The chromosomes are tightly aligned, but we will show them as separate so that y...

Shoulder Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 614

Four muscles—the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis—make up the rotator cuff. It stabilizes the shoulder and holds the head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity to maintain the principal shoulder joint.

Humerus Rotation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 391

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Rotation - Supination

Classification of Joints Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 335

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Abduction - Adduction - Circumduction - Dorsiflexion Classification of Joints: - Synarthrosis (Fibrous) - Amphiarthrosis (Cartilaginous) - Diarthrosis (Synovial)
