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Results for: 'flower position'

Anatomy and Chemical Makeup of a Single Hair (Animation)

By: HWC, Views: 4932

The hair's outer cuticle surrounds hair cells filled with tough keratin macrofibrils. Each macrofibril consists of smaller microfibrils. A microfibril is made up of three keratin polypeptide chains. The chains are linked together by disulfide bonds. A hair consists of keratin chains held...

Phases of mitosis

By: HWC, Views: 4643

Prophase is the first step in the mitotic process. During prophase, the chromosomes condense. The centrosomes begin to form a spindle and move into position on opposite sides of the cell. Sister chromatids are held together by a protein called cohesin at the centromere. Prometaphase is the sec...

Neurosynapse Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9626

In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron or to the target effector cell. Synapses are essential to neuronal function: neurons are cells that are specialized to pass signals to individual tar...

Olfaction. or the sense of smell

By: HWC, Views: 4038

Do you ever wonder how you can distinguish thousands of different odors? Olfaction. or the sense of smell, is used by all mammals to navigate, find food, and even find mates. We have millions of olfactory receptors for smelling in our nose. These receptor neurons bind water-soluble or volatil...

How Broken Bones Repair Themselves

By: Administrator, Views: 346

Bone healing, or fracture healing, is a proliferative physiological process in which the body facilitates the repair of a bone fracture. Generally bone fracture treatment consists of a doctor reducing (pushing) displaced bones back into place via relocation with or without anaesthetic, stabili...

Frequency of stimulation and force (Recruitment of motor units and force)

By: HWC, Views: 7005

• Muscle tension depends on the frequency of stimulation. • Muscle twitch: First stimulus. • Wave summation: When a second stimulus excites a partially relaxed muscle, producing a stronger contraction. • Unfused tetanus: Successive stimulations at the same frequency, producing a se...

Major Elements in Biological Molecules: Proteins

By: HWC, Views: 6062

Proteins are chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. The 20 different amino acids used to make all proteins differ only in their side chains, and the properties of these side chains account for the great diversity of protein structure and function. Collagen is an example of how a prote...

Diversity of Living Creatures - Charles Darwin & the Beagle's Voyage

By: HWC, Views: 6397

As we look around at the living creatures on Earth, we see a great amount of diversity. In some cases, the differences are quite noticeable, like the differences between plants and animals. Some differences are not as easy to see, like the differences between two species of lizard. How did all...

The Vestibular System

By: HWC, Views: 5944

The vestibular system has important sensory and motor functions, contributing to the perception of self-motion, head position, and spatial orientation relative to gravity. The function of the vestibular system can be simplified by remembering some basic terminology of classical mechanics. All ...
