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Results for: 'Summary of female reproductive cycle'

Cardiac Cycle (Part 3 of 4)

By: Administrator, Views: 9273

Ventricular contraction

Five phases of cardiac cycle & Atrial contraction

By: HWC, Views: 6649

1. Atrial contraction (atrial systole). 2. Isovolumetric (ventricular) contraction. 3. Ventricular ejection. 4. Isovolumetric (ventricular) relaxation. 5. Passive ventricular filling. Beginning of cardiac cycle • Prior to atrial contraction: • Atria and ventricles are relaxed....

Cellular slime mold life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 882

Life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold Animation. Amoeba-like slime mold cells live in the soil, where they feed on bacteria. The free-living cells grow and reproduce by mitosis. When food dwindles, the amoebas stream toward one another in response to a chemical...

The Krebs Cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 890

The second-stage reactions of aerobic respiration. The second-stage reactions occur in a mitochondrion's inner compartment. In the first preparatory reaction, a carbon atom is stripped from pyruvate and released as carbon dioxide. The remaining carbons combine with coenzyme A and give ...

X chromosome inactivation in calico cats

By: HWC, Views: 3609

X chromosome inactivation causes a mosaic tissue effect in calico cats. what makes this female calico cat "calico." Like all mammals, this cat began her life as a single cell. That cell had two X chromosomes, one from each parent. One of the chromosomes carried a dominant allele for the ...

Cellular Respiration & Glucose Mobilization (Glucose transport & Phosphorylation of Glucose)

By: HWC, Views: 6460

Glucose is completely broken down into CO2 and H2O during the process of cellular respiration, which includes 3 stages: 1) glycolysis; 2) the Krebs Cycle; and 3) the electron transport chain. Glucose enters this energy yielding pathway of cellular respiration in the first stage known as...

Mendel's Pea Experiment

By: HWC, Views: 6075

Sugar snap peas were common garden plants during Mendel's lifetime and many varieties undoubtedly grew in the abbey gardens. An avid gardener. this is where Mendel first made observations about pea plants. He noticed that certain characteristics of peas were passed from generation to generation. ...

The life cycle of protein

By: HWC, Views: 6235

The life cycle of a typical protein begins with its synthesis on a ribosome. As the polypeptide chain grows, molecules of a chaperone protein bind along its length. This prevents misfolding of the nascent polypeptide. ATP binding causes chaperone release. For most proteins, the polypeptide th...

Alternative Energy Sources

By: HWC, Views: 860

Points at which organic compounds enter the reaction stages of aerobic respiration. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose. They become the substrates for glycolysis. If your body doesn't need to burn glucose for energy, glucose-6-phosphate can be co...
