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Results for: 'Electrical Conduction System of the Heart'

Autonomic Nervous System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12612

Parasympathetic Division Works to conserve energy and innervate the digestive system. When activated, it: stimulates the salivary and digestive glands. decreases the metabolic rate. slows the heart rate. reduces blood pressure. promotes the passage of material through the intestines along...

Blood Pressure Measurement

By: Administrator, Views: 12367

How nurses check a patient's blood pressure. Blood Pressure The pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries. Higher (systolic) number: the pressure while the heart contracts. Lower (diastolic) number: the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats. Measured by a sphygmoma...

Labor and Delivery - Infant Cord Apgar

By: Administrator, Views: 397

As soon as your baby is born, a delivery nurse will set one timer for one minute and another for five minutes. When each of these time periods is up, a nurse or physician will give your baby her first "tests," called Apgars. This scoring system (named after its creator, Virginia Apgar) helps t...

Congenital Heart Defects Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12517

Pulse, blood pressure, and respiration vary according to the child’s age. A newborn’s pulse rate is irregular and rapid, varying from 120 to 140 beats per minute. Blood pressure is low and can vary with the size of the cuff used. Average blood pressure at birth is 80/46. Respirations are ...

Digestive System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12574

Digestive system contains both primary and accessory organs for the conversion of food and fluids into a semiliquid that can be absorbed for the body to use. Three main functions: - Digestion - Absorption - Elimination With aging: - Digestive system becomes less motile. - Glandular sec...

Baroreceptor Reflex

By: HWC, Views: 8656

Baroreceptors located In the carotid sinus and the arch of the aorta respond to increases in blood pressure. Increased blood pressure stretches the carotid arteries and aorta causing the baroreceptors to increase their basal rate of action potential generation. Action potentials are conduct...

Resting membrane potential - electrical polarity and maintenance requirements

By: HWC, Views: 9074

• A resting membrane potential exists when there is a buildup of: 1. positive ions outside the membrane. 2. negative ions inside the membrane. • Membranes with opposing charges are said to be polarized. • The difference in charge applies only to the small distance across the membran...

Urinary System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 1375

The urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra with expanded view of a nephron and the urine-filled space within a bladder. Urinary system: two kidneys, two ureters, one bladder, one urethra. Also called the excretory, genitourinary (GU), or urogenital (UG) system. Produces, stor...

The primary factors that affect circulation - MABP, CO and SVR

By: HWC, Views: 9728

Introduction Blood flow is determined by the relative intensities of factors that drive and resist moving blood. • Cardiac output (CO) equals the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP, a driving force) divided by systemic vascular resistance (SVR, a resisting force). • Hormones and the cen...
