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Results for: 'El'

Vascular tissues in a corn stem and a buttercup root

By: HWC, Views: 1165

Vascular tissues in a corn stem and a buttercup root. The cells that make up each tissue. Xylem conducts water and dissolved ions. It also helps mechanically support a plant. The cells, called vessel members and tracheids, are dead at maturity. Their lignified walls interconnect and serve as p...

How eudicots (true dicots) differ from monocots Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1530

Most flowering plants are either monocots or eudicots. They have the same tissues, but slightly different features. Monocot seeds have a single cotyledon, or seed leaf. Eudicot seeds have two cotyledons. Monocot flowers usually have petals and other floral parts in multiples of three. Flow...

Apicomplexan life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1008

Malaria is caused by the sporozoan, Plasmodium. It is transferred to humans by mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito feeds, infective sporozoites move from her salivary glands into the human body. The bloodstream carries the sporozoites to the liver. Here, they reproduce asexually and...

Green alga life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1264

Chlamydomonas zoospores are haploid flagellated cells. As long as conditions are favorable, these cells reproduce asexually. As many as sixteen cells may form by mitosis within a parent cell. Daughter cells escape when the cell wall ruptures. When conditions become less favorable, the...

Cellular slime mold life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 880

Life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold Animation. Amoeba-like slime mold cells live in the soil, where they feed on bacteria. The free-living cells grow and reproduce by mitosis. When food dwindles, the amoebas stream toward one another in response to a chemical...

Ciliate conjugation Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1039

Protozoan conjugation is an unusual form of sexual reproduction Prospective partners join together, usually at the surface of their oral depressions. The cells undergo cytoplasmic fusion. Meiosis II produces four haploid micronuclei. Now the macronucleus of each cell begins to bre...

Red alga life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 895

Life cycle of Porphyra. The most conspicuous part of this algal life cycle is the haploid gametophyte. This sheetlike form is collected and dried for use as nori, the wrapping for sushi. Gametes form in packets interspersed between vegetative cells near the sheet margins. The gamet...

Body plan of euglena Animation

By: HWC, Views: 999

Euglenoids are single-celled organisms that live in lakes and ponds. A contractile vacuole pumps out the water that diffuses into the cell from its hypotonic surroundings. The body is covered by a translucent pellicle composed of flexible strips of a protein-rich material. Light passe...

The Krebs Cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 890

The second-stage reactions of aerobic respiration. The second-stage reactions occur in a mitochondrion's inner compartment. In the first preparatory reaction, a carbon atom is stripped from pyruvate and released as carbon dioxide. The remaining carbons combine with coenzyme A and give ...
