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Results for: 'vascular tissues animation'

Gas exchange - partial pressure, locations, external and internal respiration

By: HWC, Views: 6796

▪ In a mixture, each individual gas exerts a pressure that is proportional to the concentration of that gas within the mixture. • This part of the total pressure is called a "partial pressure". • A gas moves along the part of the pressure gradient determined by its own concentration. ...

Spinal Cord Injury Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9968

The most common cause of spinal cord injury is trauma. Spinal cord injury is most common in young, white men. Spinal cord injury can be either complete or incomplete. In complete injuries there is no function below the level of injury. In incomplete injuries there is some function remaining...

DNA fingerprinting Animation

By: HWC, Views: 3568

DNA fingerprinting enables a scientist to compare the DNA from two biological samples, such as a blood stain and a suspect's blood. A restriction enzyme is added to the samples to be compared. The enzyme cuts the DNA into smaller fragments. The DNA fragments are placed on an electrophor...

What Are Carbohydrates? Importance of Carbs & High Carb Food

By: HWC, Views: 6693

We hear a lot about carbohydrates in the news. Everybody seems to be on a low-carb diet. The news media often has stories on this diet fad, and companies are busy producing products with reduced carbohydrates. What's this fascination with carbohydrates? In a word: "Diet." The fact is that carb...

Embryonic development - Week 3

By: HWC, Views: 6685

Week 3 (gastrulation) • Three primary germ layers are formed which provide cells for organ formation in the following months. • These germ cell layers are formed by a process known as gastrulation, which involves rearranging epiblast cells. • As cells from the epiblast migrate, a fain...

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

By: Administrator, Views: 9744

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body in both health and disease. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the or...

Body plan of euglena Animation

By: HWC, Views: 964

Euglenoids are single-celled organisms that live in lakes and ponds. A contractile vacuole pumps out the water that diffuses into the cell from its hypotonic surroundings. The body is covered by a translucent pellicle composed of flexible strips of a protein-rich material. Light passe...

Interpreting a cladogram Animation

By: HWC, Views: 265

Using a cladogram to determine relative relatedness and whether the lungfish is more closely related to a human or to a trout. To determine the relative relatedness, we begin by tracing the branches from the human and the lungfish to the point where they meet. We'll call this node 1. Now...

Condensation and Hydrolysis Animation

By: HWC, Views: 513

A condensation reaction joins two molecules together to form one larger molecule. An enzyme removes a hydroxyl group from one molecule and a hydrogen atom from another, then speeds the formation of a bond between the two molecules at their exposed sites. Typically the discarded atoms join t...
