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Results for: 'fetus'

Fetal development - Weeks 9 to 38

By: HWC, Views: 6741

Weeks 9-12 • Fetal development during the third month includes: • A large head, about 1/2 the length of the fetus. • Visible eyes and ears. • A detectable heartbeat. • Kidneys that form urine. • Gender identification. • Weak, undetectable body movements. • By the e...

Ultrasound of a Fetus (Sonogram)

By: Administrator, Views: 9561

An ultrasound exam is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to scan a woman's abdomen and pelvic cavity, creating a picture (sonogram) of the baby and placenta. Although the terms ultrasound and sonogram are technically different, they are used interchangeably and reference the same exam.

Hormonal regulation of pregnancy - weeks 17 through 38

By: HWC, Views: 6888

• Estrogens increase uterine blood flow, maintaining the endometrium during pregnancy. • High levels of estrogen and progesterone inhibit the synthesis of milk. Progesterone inhibits myometrial contractions of the uterus to prevent premature birth. • Relaxin inhibits myometrial contract...

Female Pelvis Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 1361

The female pelvis is shaped like a basin; can be oval to round, and is wider than the male pelvis. Designed to accommodate the average fetus during pregnancy and to facilitate its downward passage through the birth canal during childbirth.

Second Stage of Labor and Delivery

By: Administrator, Views: 511

During labor forceful contractions move the fetus down the birth canal and expel it from the uterus. Signs and symptoms that labor is about to start can occur from hours to weeks before the actual onset of labor. Braxton Hicks contractions Irregular contractions that begin in the second trim...

First Stage of Labor and Delivery Video

By: Administrator, Views: 9787

During labor forceful contractions move the fetus down the birth canal and expel it from the uterus. Signs and symptoms that labor is about to start can occur from hours to weeks before the actual onset of labor. Braxton Hicks contractions Irregular contractions that begin in the second trim...

Rh blood type and complications during pregnancy & Fertilization

By: HWC, Views: 4056

Complications can arise if an Rh- woman is impregnated by an Rh+ man. The fetus maybe Rh+. During childbirth, some of the fetal Rh+ cells may leak into the maternal bloodstream. The woman's immune system views the Rh+ as foreign and makes antibodies against it. If the woman becomes pr...

Amniocentesis and CVS Animation

By: HWC, Views: 3572

Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are prenatal diagnostic tools. In amniocentesis, which can be performed as early as 14 weeks into the gestation period. A syringe needle is inserted through the abdominal and uterine walls to withdraw some amniotic fluid. The fluid contains...

Embryonic development - Weeks 5 to 8

By: HWC, Views: 6746

• The second month of development is characterized by rapid development of the head and limbs as well as continued organogenesis. • During the fifth and sixth weeks growth of the brain, and therefore head, is rapid. • Hands and feets begin to form. • During week seven, even more deve...
