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Results for: 'A chemical called BPG'
What are Strong & Weak Acids and How they're different?
By: HWC, Views: 7783
Let's consider the changes that take place when hydrogen chloride, HCI, is added to water. You will need to recognize space-filling models of HCI molecules, hydronium ions (H30+), chloride ions (C11, and water molecules (H20). They are shown at the right. When HC1 molecules dissolve in water, ...
Regulation of GFR: autoregulation via myogenic mechanism Myogenic mechanism
By: HWC, Views: 10497
• GFR can be regulated by adjusting: • Blood flow in and out of the glomerular capillaries. • Surface area of glomerular capillaries. • There are three main ways to make these adjustments: • Renal autoregulation. • Nervous regulation. • Renal autoregulation occurs when...
By: Administrator, Views: 12219
Carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness, tingling, weakness, and other problems in your hand because of pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve and several tendons run from your forearm to your hand through a small space in your wrist called the carpal tunnel.
Embryonic development - week 1 and 2
By: HWC, Views: 9004
The first through eighth weeks after fertilization are called the embryonic. Week 1 • Within a day, the zygote begins mitotic cell division (cleavage) forming blastomeres. By the 4th day, the blastomeres have formed a solid ball called a morula. • The morula enters uterine cavity ar...
By: Administrator, Views: 12360
A photoreceptor cell is a specialized type of neuroepithelial cell found in the retina that is capable of visual phototransduction. The great biological importance of photoreceptors is that they convert light (visible electromagnetic radiation) into signals that can stimulate biological processes...
Hierarchical Sequencing Method - Sequence Tagged Sites
By: HWC, Views: 8247
In the hierarchical sequencing method, researchers begin by collecting cells. In humans, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromo-somes. Here we specifically track the DNA from just one of the 23 pairs. Chromosomes have a series of unique DNA sequences, called sequence-tagged sites (STSs), that a...
By: HWC, Views: 8683
• Blood pressure determines the flow of blood to and from capillaries. • Low blood pressure results in reduced blood flow. • High blood pressure can cause blood vessels to break. In humans, sensitivity is due to portions of the nervous system called receptors. Receptors are typicall...
By: Administrator, Views: 1358
The urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra with expanded view of a nephron and the urine-filled space within a bladder. Urinary system: two kidneys, two ureters, one bladder, one urethra. Also called the excretory, genitourinary (GU), or urogenital (UG) system. Produces, stor...
Major Elements in Biological Molecules: Lipids
By: HWC, Views: 8298
A triglyceride (also called triacylglycerol) is composed of three fatty acid molecules and one glycerol molecule. The fatty acids attach to the glycerol molecule by a covalent ester bond. The long hydrocarbon chain of each fatty acid makes the triglyceride molecule nonpolar and hydrophobic. Pa...