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Results for: 'Blood flow'

Phases of the Female Reproductive Cycle - Hormonal regulation

By: HWC, Views: 9806

FSH, LH and estrogen • FSH travels through the bloodstream from the anterior pituitary to the ovaries. • FSH promotes follicular growth. Increased follicular growth promotes estrogen production. • Small increases in blood estrogen levels inhibit the release of FSH and LH into the bl...

Barriers - eye structures, digestive mucosa, respiratory mucosa & genitourinary mucosa

By: HWC, Views: 9624

• Eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes and conjunctiva serve to trap microbes preventing their invasion. • Tearing (lacrimation) is a protective mechanism that washes away microbes that attempt to enter the eyes. • Salts, mucus, and lysozymes in tears neutralize substances and bacteria. â€...

Gas exchange - driving force

By: HWC, Views: 9339

• The respiratory system is responsible for the movement of gases involved in cellular metabolism. • Oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is generated during the aerobic breakdown of glucose and other fuel molecules in order to produce ATP. • Three important continuous physiological pro...

Factors that affect conduction rates (myelination, axon diameter & temperature)

By: HWC, Views: 9478

• Several factors determine the rate of conduction of action potentials: • Myelination • Axon diameter • Temperature • The step-by-step depolarization of an axon is called continuous conduction and occurs along unmyelinated axons. • Neurons in the PNS have many axons that ...

Status Epilepticus

By: Administrator, Views: 12329

Status epilepticus (SE) is a single epileptic seizure lasting more than five minutes or two or more seizures within a five-minute period without the person returning to normal between them. Previous definitions used a 30-minute time limit. The seizures can be of the tonic–clonic type, with a re...

Medullary osmotic gradient: countercurrent multiplier, urea recycling & vasa recta countercurrent exchange

By: HWC, Views: 10133

▪ The primary cause of the medullary osmotic gradient is the active transport of solutes. • In the ascending limb of the loop, active transport of Na+ ions drives passive reabsorption of Cl- ions. • Addition of these ions to the interstitial fluid of the medulla increases its osmolarity...

hGH (protein synthesis, growth and development)

By: HWC, Views: 9743

• Increased GHRH, a hypothalamic releasing hormone stimulated by low blood glucose, physical exertion, and increased sympathetic stimulation, stimulates the production of human growth hormone (hGH) from the somatotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary. • Human growth hormone targets cartil...

Methods of carbon dioxide transport - carbaminohemoglobin and bicarbonate ions

By: HWC, Views: 9418

• Carbon dioxide is transported three ways: • As bicarbonate ions in the plasma. • Bound to hemoglobin. • As a dissolved gas in the plasma. • A small percent of carbon dioxide is transported as a dissolved gas. • Some of the carbon dioxide is bound to hemoglobin, in the fo...

Autonomic Nervous System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12612

Parasympathetic Division Works to conserve energy and innervate the digestive system. When activated, it: stimulates the salivary and digestive glands. decreases the metabolic rate. slows the heart rate. reduces blood pressure. promotes the passage of material through the intestines along...
