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Results for: 'Communication and regulation - body systems'

Glomerular filtrate rate: pressures that affect GFR, NFP & GFR and blood composition

By: HWC, Views: 9849

• The glomerular filtration rate is the amount of filtrate formed per minute within the renal corpuscle. • Once the filtrate is formed it moves down the tubule. • The production and movement of filtrate depends on three pressures: I. Glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP) is ...

Covalent bonds - role in the body

By: HWC, Views: 9294

A covalent bond is formed when atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. This is opposed to an ionic bond, where electrons are actually transferred from one atom to another. Formation • Atoms fill up the outer orbital by sharing electrons. • Two oxygen atoms sharing electrons form on...

How Broken Bones Repair Themselves

By: Administrator, Views: 459

Bone healing, or fracture healing, is a proliferative physiological process in which the body facilitates the repair of a bone fracture. Generally bone fracture treatment consists of a doctor reducing (pushing) displaced bones back into place via relocation with or without anaesthetic, stabili...

Stomach peristalsis - Movement of Food Through the Small Intestine

By: HWC, Views: 9353

Peristalsis is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in the digestive tract. The process of peristalsis begins in the esophagus when a bolus of food is swallowed. The strong wave-like motions of the smooth muscle in the esophagus carry the food...

Uterine (menstrual) cycle - phases

By: HWC, Views: 9263

• The uterus goes through a cyclical developmental pattern to be ready for implantation and support of an embryo. • The uterine, or menstrual, cycle is under the control of ovarian horrnones. • The uterine cycle also has three phases: • Menstrual phase • Proliferative phase â€...

Gas exchange - driving force

By: HWC, Views: 9339

• The respiratory system is responsible for the movement of gases involved in cellular metabolism. • Oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is generated during the aerobic breakdown of glucose and other fuel molecules in order to produce ATP. • Three important continuous physiological pro...

Properties of water -structure of water and polarity (Ionized and polar compounds)

By: HWC, Views: 9455

â–  Water transports most of the molecules in the body. â–  The structure of a water molecule allows it to dissolve other molecules. â–  Shared electrons spend more time near the oxygen atom. â–  Oxygen end has a partial negative charge. â–  Hydrogen ends have a partial positive charge....

Atrial natriuretic peptide (vasodilation) & Aldosterone

By: HWC, Views: 9048

• Certain situations will cause the body's stress level to rise. • increased blood pressure will stretch the atria of the heart, stimulating the secretion of atria natriuretic peptide (MP). • ANP causes muscle cells in blood vessels to relax. • Blood pressure is lowered as a result ...

Bone cells and tissues - tissue composition and cells

By: HWC, Views: 10159

Bone tissue consists of bone cells secreting bone matrix. • The extracellular bone matrix is a connective tissue that is hard, yet flexible. • Collagen fibers provide flexibility. • Inorganic mineral salts (primarily calcium phosphate, or hydroxyapatite) provide hardness. • Togethe...
