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Results for: 'Chromosome structural organization'

Neuron structure and function - sensory neurons, association neurons & motor neurons

By: HWC, Views: 6556

• The primary function of the nervous system is to provide rapid communication within the body to maintain homeostasis. • This function underlies behaviors, thinking and control of organ functions. • The basic functions of the nervous system are provided by: • Sensory neurons • ...


By: HWC, Views: 6197

More complex sugars are called polysaccharides (from "poly" meaning "many" and "saccharum" meaning "sugar"). Many things in nature are made of polysaccharides. Here we show one of the polysaccharides in corn, another in wood, and another in the exoskeletons of insects like grasshoppers. How are a...

Stages of Mitosis - Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase & Telophase

By: HWC, Views: 6274

In mitosis, the nucleus divides to produce two nuclei that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent nucleus. To prepare for division, the DNA replicates in the preceding interphase. Although the chromosomes are not yet compacted and visible as discrete bodies, we illustrate them ...

Hierarchical Sequencing Method - Sequence Tagged Sites

By: HWC, Views: 5855

In the hierarchical sequencing method, researchers begin by collecting cells. In humans, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromo-somes. Here we specifically track the DNA from just one of the 23 pairs. Chromosomes have a series of unique DNA sequences, called sequence-tagged sites (STSs), that a...

System organization - PPM system types (Somatic, Autonomic & Enteric) and Reflex arc types

By: HWC, Views: 6786

• The PNS consists of all nervous tissue outside of the CNS. • It is divided into three functional components: • Somatic nervous system (SNS) • Autonomic nervous system (ANS) • Enteric nervous system (ENS) • The SNS consists of: • Sensory neurons from skeletal muscles ...

Neuron Structure Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9901

There are several types of neurons, three of which are: Motor neurons, Sensory neurons, Interneurons. The nervous system is usually described as having two interconnected divisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS: Includes the brain and spinal...

Semidiscontinuous DNA replication

By: HWC, Views: 6270

During DNA replication, one of the two DNA strands, the leading strand, is replicated continuously, or all at once, in the 5' to 3' direction. The other strand, called the lagging strand, is replicated discontinuously, or in pieces, in the 3' to 5' direction. This is necessary because DNA poly...

Homologous chromosomes during prophase I - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 4511

The chromosomes were duplicated during interphase and the sister chromatids are now in thin threadlike form. Each chromosome becomes zippered to its homologue, so that all four chromatids are closely aligned. The chromosomes are tightly aligned, but we will show them as separate so that y...

Structure of a Ribosome

By: HWC, Views: 3563

The structure and function of the mammalian ribosome. The mammalian ribosome consists of two subunits, one small and one large. Each subunit is assembled in the nucleus from rRNA and structural proteins. Once assembled, the ribosomal subunits are shipped separately to the cytoplasm. ...
