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Results for: 'kidney cells'

Renin/Angiotensin (water gain from urine & Na ion and water reabsorption)

By: HWC, Views: 9246

• Sensing declining blood pressure or blood volume, juxtaglomerular cells of the nephron release renin, an enzyme that promotes the formation of angiotensin II. • Angiotensin II targets smooth muscle cells in blood vessels that provide blood to the nephron. • Angiotensin II causes thes...

Parathyroid hormone (bone resorption) & Calcitonin (bone deposition)

By: HWC, Views: 9284

• Cellular needs for calcium may cause blood calcium concentrations to decline below the normal range. • This decrease stimulates cells in the parathyroid gland to secrete parathyroid hormone. • Binding of parathyroid hormone to osteoclasts in bone tissue promotes bone resorption and th...

Medullary osmotic gradient: countercurrent multiplier, urea recycling & vasa recta countercurrent exchange

By: HWC, Views: 10133

▪ The primary cause of the medullary osmotic gradient is the active transport of solutes. • In the ascending limb of the loop, active transport of Na+ ions drives passive reabsorption of Cl- ions. • Addition of these ions to the interstitial fluid of the medulla increases its osmolarity...

Hypoglycemia Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 13602

Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, is when blood sugar decreases to below normal levels. This may result in a variety of symptoms including clumsiness, trouble talking, confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures or death. A feeling of hunger, sweating, shakiness and weakness may also be...

Introduction to Pre-eclampsia

By: Administrator, Views: 12499

Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a disorder of pregnancy characterized by the onset of high blood pressure and often a significant amount of protein in the urine. When it arises, the condition begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In severe disease there may be red blood cell breakdown, a low blood platelet c...

T cell receptors

By: HWC, Views: 8991

• T cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity. • Each T cell contains a unique form of T cell receptor (TCR) on its membrane. • These T cell receptors are produced through a process of genetic recombination which is able to produce millions of different variations. • Each T ce...

Cytotoxic T cell receptors, activation, proliferation, differentiation & action

By: HWC, Views: 9678

• Most cells which have CD8 on their surface become cytotoxic T cells (Tc cells). • CD8 T cells recognize a foreign antigen when it is presented in conjunction with the protein, MHC-I. • Nearly all nucleated cells in the body express MHC-I molecules. • T cells that recognize self-pe...

Cardiac conductile cells

By: HWC, Views: 9529

• In order for the heart to function properly, all of its cells must contract in a specific sequence. This sequence is determined by a pathway known as the conduction system. • Cardiac muscle cells have two attributes that enable the conduction system to work: • Connective. Action pot...

Griffith's experiments

By: HWC, Views: 6507

In the late 1920s, Fred Griffith was attempting to develop a vaccine against a bacterium that causes pneumonia. To find out why two strains of the bacteria differed in their deadliness, he injected mice with four different mixtures. Mice injected with R cells remained healthy. When Griffith ex...
