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Results for: 'sds polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis animation'

Inflammation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12367

Inflammation is caused by a number of physical reactions triggered by the immune system in response to a physical injury or an infection. Inflammation does not necessarily mean that there is an infection, but an infection can cause inflammation.

Brief Summary on Photosynthesis - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 8310

Can increase its weight by 150 pounds as it grows. Where does the new tissue come from? From the soil? From water? Or possibly from the air? The amazing truth is that new material. comes from an invisible gas in the air. In the process of photosynthesis, plants capture carbon dioxide ga...

Knee Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12711

With a sudden meniscus tear, a pop may be heard or felt in the knee. After the initial injury, pain, swelling, and tightness may increase over the next few days. The most common knee injury is the torn meniscus. Although a torn meniscus can happen to anyone, this injury occurs most often to athle...

Trunk Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 550

Muscles responsible for trunk and abdominal movement.

Hand Opposition Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 301

Opposition is a composite of the following two motions: Rotation of the thumb into pronation so that the pulp fingers of the thumb and index fingers face one another. Abduction or lifting of the thumb away from the palm of the hand (palmar abduction).

Stress and Immune System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12519

How stress and the immune system are linked. Immune response declines with age, limiting body's ability to identify and fight foreign substances. Loss of thymus cortex leads to reduced production of T lymphocytes, including T cells, NK cells, B lymphocytes. Frequency and severity of infectio...

Digestive System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12574

Digestive system contains both primary and accessory organs for the conversion of food and fluids into a semiliquid that can be absorbed for the body to use. Three main functions: - Digestion - Absorption - Elimination With aging: - Digestive system becomes less motile. - Glandular sec...

Forearm Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 404

Muscles of both the upper arm and forearm control movement of the forearm. The biceps brachii flex the forearm and work with the supinator of the forearm to rotate it so the palm faces upward. The pronator teres and quadratus control pronation, or rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces do...

Wrist Flexion and Extension Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 599

Flexion describes the movement of bending the palm down, towards the wrist. Extension describes the movement of raising the back of the hand.
