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Results for: 'heart rate'

Heart sounds

By: HWC, Views: 9268

During a normal, healthy heartbeat, or what we call a cardiac cycle, the top two chambers of the heart, called the atria, contract simultaneously. Then, as they relax, the bottom two chambers, called the ventricles, contract. This explains what happens during a cardiac cycle, but what it doesn't ...

Fetal Development of the Cardiovascular System

By: Administrator, Views: 12142

How the heart develops in the uterus.

Chemical Equilibrium between N2O4 (colorless gas) and NO2 (brown gas)

By: HWC, Views: 8574

For a system at equilibrium: ◆ both forward and reverse reactions are occurring simultaneously ◆ rate of forward reaction must equal rate of reverse reaction OR Rate forward = Rate reverse ◆ concentrations of reactants and products remain constant with time the equilibrium positio...

Heart Chambers

By: Administrator, Views: 12351

Circulation of blood through the chambers of the heart Septum divides heart into the right and left heart. Each side contains an upper and lower chamber: Atria, or upper chambers, receive blood. Ventricles, or lower chambers, pump blood. Valves control intake and outflow of blood in chamber...


By: Administrator, Views: 12175

Pericarditis refers to inflammation of the pericardium, two thin layers of a sac-like tissue that surround the heart, hold it in place and help it work. A small amount of fluid keeps the layers separate so that there's no friction between them.

Cardiac Cycle (Part 4 of 4)

By: Administrator, Views: 12479

Diastole and systole are two phases of the cardiac cycle. They occur as the heart beats, pumping blood through a system of blood vessels that carry blood to every part of the body. Systole occurs when the heart contracts to pump blood out, and diastole occurs when the heart relaxes after contract...

Coaductile pathway, Timing of contraction signal & Conduction system and ECG

By: HWC, Views: 9548

• When the system is healthy, the signal to contract the entire conduction system originates in the SA node - known as the heart's pacemaker. • The SA node triggers contraction because it depolarizes at a faster rate than other parts of the conduction system. • The wave of excitation fr...

The primary factors that affect circulation - MABP, CO and SVR

By: HWC, Views: 9727

Introduction Blood flow is determined by the relative intensities of factors that drive and resist moving blood. • Cardiac output (CO) equals the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP, a driving force) divided by systemic vascular resistance (SVR, a resisting force). • Hormones and the cen...

Causes of Angina

By: Administrator, Views: 12735

Angina is a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. Angina (an-JIE-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) is a symptom of coronary artery disease. Angina, which may also be called angina pectoris, is often described as squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in your chest.
