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Results for: 'Apicomplexan life cycle Animation'

Elbow Flexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 605

Normal starting position for elbow flexion is with the subject supine with the shoulder positioned in 0 degrees of flexion, extension and abduction with the arm close to the side of the body

Homeostasis (range of body conditions, normal limits, mild stresses & severe stresses)

By: HWC, Views: 9248

Homeostasis: • Provides relative stability of the internal environment. • Results from constant adjustments. • Regulated by regulatory processes. • Requires system interplay. • Normal limits. • Temporary stresses. • Disruptions requiring medical intervention. • D...

Hip and Thigh Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 396

- The 3 hamstring muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) – these muscles form most of the flesh of the back of the thigh; they flex the knee and extend the hip; - Gluteus maximus muscle (buttock); and, - Gracilis, sartorius and plantaris muscles.

Ankle Dorsiflexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 347

Ankle dorsiflexion essentially means moving your foot so that your toes get closer to your knee.

Lipid catabolism ( ketogenesis and oxidation of glycerol) and Lipid anabolism (lipogenesis)

By: HWC, Views: 9640

• During excessive beta oxidation, the two-carbon fatty acid fragments are converted into acidic ketone bodies. • Ketosis, the overproduction of ketone bodies, can lead to acidosis (ketoacidosis) of the blood. • After lipolysis, glycerol is converted to pyruvic acid. • Pyruvic aci...

Febrile Seizure

By: Administrator, Views: 12474

The majority of epilepsy cases are idiopathic (cause not identified) and symptoms begin during childhood or early adolescence. A child who has a seizure while standing should be gently assisted to the floor and placed in a side-lying position. In adults, epilepsy can occur after severe neu...

EpiPen Animation (Part 1)

By: Administrator, Views: 13227

An epinephrine auto-injector is a medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine by means of autoinjector technology. It is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis. The first epinephrine auto-injector was brought to market in the 1980s.

Ankle Inversion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 298

Eversion–Turning outward. Inversion–Turning inward.


By: Administrator, Views: 13849

Audiology is a branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders. Audiologists treat those with hearing loss and proactively prevent related damage. By employing various testing strategies (e.g. behavioral hearing tests, otoacoustic emission measurements, and electrophysiolog...
