
Bacteriophage (Virus) - Mice Experiment





Date Uploaded: 07/30/2020

Tags: homeworkclinic.com   Homework Clinic   HWC   Bacteriophage Mice   virus   Ecoli   mice experiment   lab experiment  

Also known as phages, these viruses can be found everywhere bacteria exist including, in the soil, deep within the earth's crust, inside plants and animals, and even in the oceans. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses of bacteria that can kill and lyse the bacteria they infect. ... The lethality and specificity of phages for particular bacteria, the ability of phages to replicate within infected animal hosts, and the safety of phages make them efficacious antibacterial agents. Bacteriophages kill bacteria by making them burst or lyse. This happens when the virus binds to the bacteria. A virus infects the bacteria by injecting its genes (DNA or RNA). The phage virus copies itself (reproduces) inside the bacteria.



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