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Results for: 'hydrofluoric acid'

Introduction to Photolithography - WC, BLF, PA, Hard and Soft baking

By: HWC, Views: 6401

Prior to use, wafers are chemically cleaned to remove particulate matter on the surface as well as any traces of organic, ionic, and metallic impurities. Barrier Layer Formation After cleaning, the silicon wafer is covered with the material which will serve as a barrier layer. The most commo...

Muscle Fatigue and Recovery

By: HWC, Views: 6628

• After prolonged activity, muscle contraction weakens, and the muscle enters a state of fatigue. • Fatigue results from in muscle cells, such as: • Inadequate release of calcium ions • Depletion of energy sources • Lack of oxygen • Build up of lactic acid other metabolic w...

Major Elements in Biological Molecules: Lipids

By: HWC, Views: 6106

A triglyceride (also called triacylglycerol) is composed of three fatty acid molecules and one glycerol molecule. The fatty acids attach to the glycerol molecule by a covalent ester bond. The long hydrocarbon chain of each fatty acid makes the triglyceride molecule nonpolar and hydrophobic. Pa...

Buffers definition and the role of buffer in the body

By: HWC, Views: 6997

■ Too many H+ break hydrogen bonds and a protein comes apart. ■ Buffers react with excess H+ to protect proteins from breaking down. ■ Buffers consist of weak acid plus anions of that weak acid. This solution contains: • hydrogen ions • weak acid (H2CO3) • anions of we...

Glycolysis - and oxygen

By: HWC, Views: 7034

The first reactions involve a single 6-carbon glucose sugar undergoing phosphorylation using two ATP molecules and resulting in two 3-carbon compounds. • The rest of this pathway involves an oxidation reduction reaction, forming two reduced coenzymes, and generation of four ATP molecules. ...

Structure of Amino Acid, Peptide Bonds & Polypeptides

By: HWC, Views: 6334

Here are the molecular formulas of three different amino acids. All amino acids share this backbone. The main difference between every amino acid is the side groups seen here, and these side groups give each of the amino acids their different characteristics. But before we get into that, let's ...

What are Strong & Weak Acids and How they're different?

By: HWC, Views: 5653

Let's consider the changes that take place when hydrogen chloride, HCI, is added to water. You will need to recognize space-filling models of HCI molecules, hydronium ions (H30+), chloride ions (C11, and water molecules (H20). They are shown at the right. When HC1 molecules dissolve in water, ...

Nucleic acid digestion -small intestine

By: HWC, Views: 6908

Nucleic acid digestion, which takes place in the small intestine, involves: • Pancreatic nucleases. • Brush-border enzymes in the small intestine. • Nucleic acids enter the small intestine dissolved in gastric chyme. • As gastric chyme enters the duodenum of the small intestine, p...

Secretin (inhibiting gastric acid secretion), Cholecystokinin (fat digestion) & Cholecystokinin

By: HWC, Views: 6587

• As chyme approaches the small intestine, secretin also targets acid-producing parietal cells in the gastric mucosa. • Increased secretin inhibits gastric add secretion. • With less gastric acid produced, the chyme going into the intestine is less acidic. • The hormone CCK also reg...
