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Results for: 'Anatomy and Chemical Makeup of a Single Hair (Animation)'

Classification of Joints Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 409

Types of body movement that occur at the diarthrotic joints: - Abduction - Adduction - Circumduction - Dorsiflexion Classification of Joints: - Synarthrosis (Fibrous) - Amphiarthrosis (Cartilaginous) - Diarthrosis (Synovial)

Second Stage of Labor and Delivery

By: Administrator, Views: 593

During labor forceful contractions move the fetus down the birth canal and expel it from the uterus. Signs and symptoms that labor is about to start can occur from hours to weeks before the actual onset of labor. Braxton Hicks contractions Irregular contractions that begin in the second trim...

First Stage of Labor and Delivery Video

By: Administrator, Views: 12007

During labor forceful contractions move the fetus down the birth canal and expel it from the uterus. Signs and symptoms that labor is about to start can occur from hours to weeks before the actual onset of labor. Braxton Hicks contractions Irregular contractions that begin in the second trim...

Hip Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 11619

A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is primarily based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture.

Elbow Flexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 599

Normal starting position for elbow flexion is with the subject supine with the shoulder positioned in 0 degrees of flexion, extension and abduction with the arm close to the side of the body

Hip and Thigh Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 390

- The 3 hamstring muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) – these muscles form most of the flesh of the back of the thigh; they flex the knee and extend the hip; - Gluteus maximus muscle (buttock); and, - Gracilis, sartorius and plantaris muscles.

Ankle Dorsiflexion Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 341

Ankle dorsiflexion essentially means moving your foot so that your toes get closer to your knee.

Autonomic Nervous System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12158

Parasympathetic Division Works to conserve energy and innervate the digestive system. When activated, it: stimulates the salivary and digestive glands. decreases the metabolic rate. slows the heart rate. reduces blood pressure. promotes the passage of material through the intestines along...

Bond types - Atomic structure and basis of bonds

By: HWC, Views: 9317

• Chemical bonds are fundamental to the structure and function of many types of molecules, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, gases, salts and water. ■ These molecules are composed of atoms that are held together by three different types of bonds. • The three types ...
