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Results for: 'Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Protein Structures'

Enzyme structure - Properties of enzymes

By: HWC, Views: 7834

■ Enzymes are proteins that catalyze reactions. ■ Some enzymes have two parts: a protein or apoenzyme and a non-protein or cofactor. ■ Cofactor can be a metal ion or another organic molecule called a coenzyme. ■ Coenzymes often come from vitamins. ■ Cofactors affect the shape of...

Lipid catabolism ( ketogenesis and oxidation of glycerol) and Lipid anabolism (lipogenesis)

By: HWC, Views: 8179

• During excessive beta oxidation, the two-carbon fatty acid fragments are converted into acidic ketone bodies. • Ketosis, the overproduction of ketone bodies, can lead to acidosis (ketoacidosis) of the blood. • After lipolysis, glycerol is converted to pyruvic acid. • Pyruvic aci...

Introduction to Pre-eclampsia

By: Administrator, Views: 10924

Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a disorder of pregnancy characterized by the onset of high blood pressure and often a significant amount of protein in the urine. When it arises, the condition begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In severe disease there may be red blood cell breakdown, a low blood platelet c...

Chromosome structural organization/ Mechanisms for chromosome movement Animation

By: HWC, Views: 4050

How the chromosome is organized. At metaphase, the chromosomes are duplicated and are at their most condensed. In each chromosome, two identical sister chromatids are held together at a constricted region called the centromere. When a chromosome is condensed, interactions among chromosomal ...

Carbon fixing adaptations Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1973

Different plants trap carbon by different pathways. Most C3 plants evolved in moist, temperate zones. On hot dry days they close their stomata to conserve water and oxygen accumulates. Under these circumstances, the enzyme rubisco uses oxygen in an inefficient reaction that competes with t...

Non-specific disease resistance mechanisms & Skin's defense barriers

By: HWC, Views: 7882

• Non-specific disease resistance acts quickly to fight a wide variety of invaders. • Mechanisms include: • Barriers • Antimicrobial substances • Cellular defenses • Inflammation • Fever Barriers - types • Physical and chemical bathers prevent invasion by micro...

Role of the urinary system - acidosis and alkalosis

By: HWC, Views: 8086

• Tubular cells of the proximal convoluted tubule and collecting tubules can alter filtrate pH and therefore blood pH. • These cells can affect blood pH with two coupled mechanisms: • Reabsorption of bicarbonate ions. • Secretion of hydrogen ions. • The reabsorption of bicarbonate...

Stages of Mitosis - Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase & Telophase

By: HWC, Views: 7603

In mitosis, the nucleus divides to produce two nuclei that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent nucleus. To prepare for division, the DNA replicates in the preceding interphase. Although the chromosomes are not yet compacted and visible as discrete bodies, we illustrate them ...

Central Nervous System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 11005

Consists of the brain and spinal cord. CNS receives impulses from throughout the body processes the information responds with an appropriate action Brain and spinal cord can be divided into: gray matter (unsheathed cell bodies and true dendrites) white matter (myelinated nerve fibers) ...
