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Results for: 'Protozoan conjugation is an unusual form of sexual reproduction Animation'

Glycolysis Animation

By: HWC, Views: 601

In glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is split into two three-carbon pyruvate molecules. In this animation, each carbon molecule is represented by a red ball. The end products of glycolysis are two molecules of pyruvate. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into two molecules of ...

Sperm Formation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 372

A man’s reproductive system is specifically designed to produce, store, and transport sperm. Unlike the female genitalia, the male reproductive organs are on both the interior and the exterior of the pelvic cavity. They include: the testes (testicles) the duct system: epididymis and vas def...

Red alga life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 896

Life cycle of Porphyra. The most conspicuous part of this algal life cycle is the haploid gametophyte. This sheetlike form is collected and dried for use as nori, the wrapping for sushi. Gametes form in packets interspersed between vegetative cells near the sheet margins. The gamet...

Hip and Thigh Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 312

- The 3 hamstring muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) – these muscles form most of the flesh of the back of the thigh; they flex the knee and extend the hip; - Gluteus maximus muscle (buttock); and, - Gracilis, sartorius and plantaris muscles.

Apicomplexan life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1012

Malaria is caused by the sporozoan, Plasmodium. It is transferred to humans by mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito feeds, infective sporozoites move from her salivary glands into the human body. The bloodstream carries the sporozoites to the liver. Here, they reproduce asexually and...

Condensation and Hydrolysis Animation

By: HWC, Views: 546

A condensation reaction joins two molecules together to form one larger molecule. An enzyme removes a hydroxyl group from one molecule and a hydrogen atom from another, then speeds the formation of a bond between the two molecules at their exposed sites. Typically the discarded atoms join t...

Cellular slime mold life cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 883

Life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold Animation. Amoeba-like slime mold cells live in the soil, where they feed on bacteria. The free-living cells grow and reproduce by mitosis. When food dwindles, the amoebas stream toward one another in response to a chemical...

Calvin Cycle Explained!

By: HWC, Views: 6363

he light-independent reactions make sugars by way of a cyclic pathway called the Calvin cycle. The cycle begins when rubisco attaches a carbon from carbon dioxide to ribulose bisphosphate. The molecule that forms splits into two molecules of PGA. Each PGA gets a phosphate group from ATP a...

Complement Proteins Animation

By: HWC, Views: 3485

Formation of membrane attack complexes. Complement proteins can activate when they bind to antibodies that are bound to a pathogen. Complement proteins also activate when they bind directly to bacterial surfaces. Cascading reactions yield huge numbers of different types of complement protei...
