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Results for: 'organic substances'

Endocytosis -Types and Phagocytosis

By: HWC, Views: 6661

Endocytosis is the process by which a substance is brought inside a cell without having to pass through the cell membrane. It is the opposite of endocytosis, the process by which substances exit the cell without having to pass through the cell membrane. Exocytosis – membrane-enclosed secret...

Brief Summary on Photosynthesis - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 5624

Can increase its weight by 150 pounds as it grows. Where does the new tissue come from? From the soil? From water? Or possibly from the air? The amazing truth is that new material. comes from an invisible gas in the air. In the process of photosynthesis, plants capture carbon dioxide ga...

Types of disease resistance: innate defenses & immunity

By: HWC, Views: 6832

Our immune system protects us and helps fight off disease. Microorganisms, small microscopic organisms, and viruses are everywhere. Ever thought about how many are on that door you just opened? Many microbes and viruses can cause disease and are termed pathogens. Plants and animals have what i...

Stress and Immune System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9854

How stress and the immune system are linked. Immune response declines with age, limiting body's ability to identify and fight foreign substances. Loss of thymus cortex leads to reduced production of T lymphocytes, including T cells, NK cells, B lymphocytes. Frequency and severity of infectio...

Chemical Changes

By: HWC, Views: 6044

Observe the burning logs of wood. The logs burn to emit heat, light and carbon dioxide. What is left behind is ash. This residue is a new substance with a different molecular structure than the original wood. Similarly when baking the dough into bread, it becomes fluffy and light. There is a ch...

Alternative Energy Sources

By: HWC, Views: 825

Points at which organic compounds enter the reaction stages of aerobic respiration. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose. They become the substrates for glycolysis. If your body doesn't need to burn glucose for energy, glucose-6-phosphate can be co...

Electromagnetic Spectrum, Chlorophyll and Pigment & Light

By: HWC, Views: 6337

The sun gives off radiation that is called the electromagnetic spectrum. This is energy that travels as wavelengths and includes radio waves, X-rays and ultraviolet light. A portion of this radiation is known as visible light, and is the type of radiation that plants use to manufacture sugars. ...

Contraction and Relaxation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9573

Muscles are responsible for movement. The types of movement are: - Locomotion, when chemical energy is changed into mechanical energy. - Propulsion of substances through tubes, as in circulation and digestion. - Changes in the sizes of openings, as in the contraction and relaxation of the iris...

Endocrine System Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 942

Vital function of endocrine system: Production and regulation of chemical substances called hormones. Hormones Chemical transmitters released in small amounts and transported via bloodstream to a target organ or other cells. Transfer information and instructions from one set of cells to anot...
