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Results for: 'Mendel's Pea Experiment'

SNP Polymorphysim Microarray Chip - How to Test a Person's DNA

By: HWC, Views: 5959

To test a person's DNA, a researcher first needs a source of tissue. Most of the cells in a blood sample are red blood cells, which lack nuclei, but there are also a number of white blood cells, which do contain nuclei and chromosomal DNA. If we could see a particular DNA sequence in these cel...

Chromosome structural organization/ Mechanisms for chromosome movement Animation

By: HWC, Views: 2806

How the chromosome is organized. At metaphase, the chromosomes are duplicated and are at their most condensed. In each chromosome, two identical sister chromatids are held together at a constricted region called the centromere. When a chromosome is condensed, interactions among chromosomal ...
