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Results for: 'intestinal calcium absorption'

Segmentation and migrating motility complexes & Gastroileal reflex

By: HWC, Views: 9236

• Within a few hours, most of the stomach contents are in the duodenum. • Distension of stretch receptors in the small intestine activates a reflex that stimulates segmentation, a mixing movement. • During segmentation, sections of the intestine are constricted. • This movement incr...

Stroke volume

By: HWC, Views: 9313

Preload definition • Preload is the degree of stretch of cardiac muscles cells prior to contraction. • The amount of stretch is related to the end-diastolic volume[EDV]. • Increased return blood flow from the veins increases end-diastolic volume. Cardiac muscle sarcomeres stretch and ...

Haustral churning, Gastrocolic reflex and mass peristalsis & Defecation

By: HWC, Views: 9540

• As the cecum becomes filled and distends, a local reflex causes: • Closure of the ileocecal valve. • Activation of haustral churning. • Haustral churning mixes the chyme, which helps absorption of water, salts, and vitamins. • Haustral churning propels the contents of the colo...

Stroke volume - contractility definition

By: HWC, Views: 9008

Contractility is the forcefulness of contraction of cardiac muscle. • Inotropic agents are substances that increase or decrease contractility (and stroke volume). • Positive inotropic agents increase contractility and will increase stroke volume and cardiac output. • Negative inotropi...

Bone processes - resorption and deposition, remodeling and response to stress in adult bones

By: HWC, Views: 9517

• The process of remodeling bone tissues involves bone cells resorbing or depositing minerals into bone tissue. • During resorption, bone cells break down bone tissue and release calcium and other minerals for use by other cells in the body. • Bone cells also rebuild bone tissue by depo...

Electromagnetic Spectrum, Chlorophyll and Pigment & Light

By: HWC, Views: 9095

The sun gives off radiation that is called the electromagnetic spectrum. This is energy that travels as wavelengths and includes radio waves, X-rays and ultraviolet light. A portion of this radiation is known as visible light, and is the type of radiation that plants use to manufacture sugars. ...

Protein digestion - stomach & small intestine

By: HWC, Views: 8771

• Protein digestion occurs in the stomach and small intestine. • The stomach enzyme pepsin initiates the process. • Pancreatic and intestinal brush border enzymes complete the digestive process. • In the stomach, pepsin is created from pepsinogen in the presence of pH-lowering hyd...

Muscle Twitch and Muscle Tension - Motor unit size and force

By: HWC, Views: 9573

• A motor unit is a group of muscle cells controlled by a single neuron. • A stimulus of sufficient intensity will cause all the cells in the motor unit to contract. • A single contraction, caused by a single action potential, is called a muscle twitch. • Latent period: A brief per...

Premenstrual Syndrome

By: Administrator, Views: 12529

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman's period. Symptoms often vary between women and resolve around the start of bleeding. Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability, and mo...
