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Results for: 'blood vessel'
Parathyroid hormone (bone resorption) & Calcitonin (bone deposition)
By: HWC, Views: 9284
• Cellular needs for calcium may cause blood calcium concentrations to decline below the normal range. • This decrease stimulates cells in the parathyroid gland to secrete parathyroid hormone. • Binding of parathyroid hormone to osteoclasts in bone tissue promotes bone resorption and th...
Effect of blood chemistry - stimuli, hyperventilation response and hypoventilation response
By: HWC, Views: 9023
• Respiratory rate is effected by changes in: • Blood pH. • Blood Pco2. • Blood P02. • Chemoreceptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems closely monitor the Fr, CO2 and 02 levels in blood. • Changes in frequency of impulses from Chemoreceptors affect respiratory r...
Regulation of GFR: three methods, autoregulation & autoregulation via myogenic mechanism
By: HWC, Views: 9852
• GFR can be regulated by adjusting: • Blood flow in and out of the glomerular capillaries. • Surface area of glomerular capillaries. • There are three main ways to make these adjustments: • Renal autoregulation. • Nervous regulation. • Hormonal regulation. • Ren...
By: HWC, Views: 8670
LDL comprises 60–70% of total blood lipoproteins and is responsible for carrying cholesterol particles throughout your body. Having a lot of cholesterol carried by LDL lipoproteins is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. In fact, the higher the level, the greater the risk. ...
Net filtration pressure and lymph formation, edema & blood velocity
By: HWC, Views: 9157
Bulk flow -net filtration pressure and lymph formation • The net filtration pressure (NFP) is the force promoting filtration minus the force promoting reabsorption. • At the arterial end of an ideal capillary, the filtration pressures are stronger. The result: net filtration. • At t...
Bulk flow - Factors that influence bulk flow
By: HWC, Views: 9573
• Bulk flow helps regulate the relative volumes of blood and interstitial fluid. • Flow from blood to interstitium is called filtration. ■ Flow from interstitium to blood is called reabsorption. ■ Four factors determine the net direction of capillary exchange. ■ These factors in...
Apicomplexan life cycle Animation
By: HWC, Views: 3706
Malaria is caused by the sporozoan, Plasmodium. It is transferred to humans by mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito feeds, infective sporozoites move from her salivary glands into the human body. The bloodstream carries the sporozoites to the liver. Here, they reproduce asexually and...
By: Administrator, Views: 12980
Hemodynamics is the dynamics of blood flow. The circulatory system is controlled by homeostatic mechanisms, such as hydraulic circuits are controlled by control systems. Hemodynamic response continuously monitors and adjusts to conditions in the body and its environment.