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Results for: 'cardiac muscle'

ACTH/Cortisol (glycogenolysis, protein catabolism, lipolysis and gluconeogenesis)

By: HWC, Views: 9208

• A decline in blood glucose concentration stimulates corticotropic cells in the anterior pituitary to produce adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). • ACTH binds with cells in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. • Increased ACTH promotes the production of cortisol, the major gluco...

Glucose anabolism reactions: Glycogenolysis and Gluconeogenesis

By: HWC, Views: 9682

• Glucose not needed immediately is stored as glycogen. The process that creates it is glycogenesis. • When ATP is needed for body activities, stored glycogen is broken down by a process called glycogenolysis. • Glucose can be formed through two different anabolic reactions: • Glycog...

Nerve Impulse Transmission Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 12754

How nerves transmit impulses. Stimulation of a nerve occurs at a receptor. Sensory receptors Specialized to specific types of stimulation such as heat, cold, light, pressure, or pain. React by initiating a chemical change or impulse. All-or-none principle Means that no transmission occ...

hGH (protein synthesis, growth and development)

By: HWC, Views: 9743

• Increased GHRH, a hypothalamic releasing hormone stimulated by low blood glucose, physical exertion, and increased sympathetic stimulation, stimulates the production of human growth hormone (hGH) from the somatotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary. • Human growth hormone targets cartil...

Gastrin (gastric emptying) & Secretin (buffering gastric acid)

By: HWC, Views: 8894

• Gastrin also binds to the smooth muscle cells in the stomach causing: • Increased gastric motility. • Opening of pyloric sphincter. • Increased gastric emptying. • The intestinal phase of digestion begins as chyme enters the duodenum. • The chyme's acidity can damage int...

Coaductile pathway, Timing of contraction signal & Conduction system and ECG

By: HWC, Views: 9548

• When the system is healthy, the signal to contract the entire conduction system originates in the SA node - known as the heart's pacemaker. • The SA node triggers contraction because it depolarizes at a faster rate than other parts of the conduction system. • The wave of excitation fr...

Hormonal regulation of blood pressure - RAA system

By: HWC, Views: 9850

■ Long-term regulation of MABP is under hormonal control. • Hormones that affect blood pressure and volume: the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system, antidiuretic hormone (ADM), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). ■ Most important hormonal regulator of MABP. Activated by drop in...

Introduction to Erectile Dysfunction

By: Administrator, Views: 320

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a type of sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can have psychological consequences as it can be tied to relationship difficulties and se...

Reflex arc construction

By: HWC, Views: 9343

• Somatic reflexes are the rapid, predictable, and automatic responses of skeletal muscle to changes in stimuli. • A reflex arc is the pathway followed by the nerve impulse producing the reflex. • Reflex arcs include: • Sensory receptor • Sensory neurons • Integrating c...
