Five phases of cardiac cycle & Atrial contraction

Date Uploaded: 12/02/2019
Tags: Homework Clinic HWC Five phases of cardiac cycle Atrial contraction atrial systole Isovolumetric Ventricular ejection Passive ventricular filling Atrioventricular
1. Atrial contraction (atrial systole). 2. Isovolumetric (ventricular) contraction. 3. Ventricular ejection. 4. Isovolumetric (ventricular) relaxation. 5. Passive ventricular filling. Beginning of cardiac cycle • Prior to atrial contraction: • Atria and ventricles are relaxed. • Atrioventricular (AV) valves are open. • Semilunar (SL) valves are closed. • Atrial depolarization (P wave) triggers atrial contraction. • Causes atrial pressure to rise. • Pushes blood into the ventricles, raising ventricular pressure slightly. • Ventricular excitation (QRS wave) triggers ventricular contraction.
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