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Results for: 'Cell mediated immune response to a viral infection Animation'

Mechanisms for chromosome movement Animation

By: HWC, Views: 4744

At mitotic metaphase, the fully-formed spindle is composed of many microtubules that extend from the poles. Some of these, the kinetochore microtubules, are attached to the kinetochores of each chromosome. Kinetochores are located at the centromeres. At anaphase, sister chromatids separate and...

Brief Summary on Photosynthesis - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 6741

Can increase its weight by 150 pounds as it grows. Where does the new tissue come from? From the soil? From water? Or possibly from the air? The amazing truth is that new material. comes from an invisible gas in the air. In the process of photosynthesis, plants capture carbon dioxide ga...

Neurotransmission at chemical synapses & Excitory and inhibitory potentials

By: HWC, Views: 7673

• A series of events occur at chemical synapses in order to communicate with the adjacent cell. • The action potential arrives at the presynaptic membrane. • The depolarization phase of the action potential opens voltage gated Ca+ channels. • increased inflow of Ca+' into the cyto...

Knee Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 11047

With a sudden meniscus tear, a pop may be heard or felt in the knee. After the initial injury, pain, swelling, and tightness may increase over the next few days. The most common knee injury is the torn meniscus. Although a torn meniscus can happen to anyone, this injury occurs most often to athle...


By: Administrator, Views: 10587

Atrophy is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body. Causes of atrophy include mutations (which can destroy the gene to build up the organ), poor nourishment, poor circulation, loss of hormonal support, loss of nerve supply to the target organ, excessive amount of apoptosis of c...

Glycolysis - Introduction to ATP and the burning of sugar

By: HWC, Views: 7866

Do you use sugar with your coffee or tea? Or do you occasionally drink a sport or soft drink? As millions of people do each day, they obtain energy from the sugar added or contained in these drinks. How can we understand this concept of energy within a sugar molecule? Let's take a tablespoon ...

Trunk Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 517

Muscles responsible for trunk and abdominal movement.

Hand Opposition Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 273

Opposition is a composite of the following two motions: Rotation of the thumb into pronation so that the pulp fingers of the thumb and index fingers face one another. Abduction or lifting of the thumb away from the palm of the hand (palmar abduction).

Membrane transport proteins - pores, gated channels and pumps

By: HWC, Views: 7864

• a Three different types of membrane ion transport proteins are required to produce and carry electrical signals: • Pores • Gated channels • Na+/ K+ pump • Pores are always open and allow the diffusion of Na+ and K+ ions across the membrane, down their concentration gradients...
