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Results for: 'redox reactions'

Inflammation Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 9624

Inflammation is caused by a number of physical reactions triggered by the immune system in response to a physical injury or an infection. Inflammation does not necessarily mean that there is an infection, but an infection can cause inflammation.

Digestive chemicals - water, gastric acid, bile & bicarbonate

By: HWC, Views: 6332

• Water is the most abundant molecule in ingested fluids. • Water plays a primary role in hydrolytic digestive reactions. • Helps liquefy and transport digestive foodstuffs down the tract. • Transports secretions from accessory digestive organs to gastrointestinal tract. • Aids ...

Glucose anabolism reactions: Glycogenolysis and Gluconeogenesis

By: HWC, Views: 6978

• Glucose not needed immediately is stored as glycogen. The process that creates it is glycogenesis. • When ATP is needed for body activities, stored glycogen is broken down by a process called glycogenolysis. • Glucose can be formed through two different anabolic reactions: • Glycog...

Biological organic compounds

By: HWC, Views: 6058

Biological organic compounds contain covalent bonds, mainly C-C and C-H bonds, but also both C and H bonded to such other atoms as O and N. Some of these covalent bonds are nonpolar. Others are polar, either because one atom in the group "hogs" electrons away from other atoms in the group, or...

Enzyme structure - Properties of enzymes

By: HWC, Views: 6577

■ Enzymes are proteins that catalyze reactions. ■ Some enzymes have two parts: a protein or apoenzyme and a non-protein or cofactor. ■ Cofactor can be a metal ion or another organic molecule called a coenzyme. ■ Coenzymes often come from vitamins. ■ Cofactors affect the shape of...

Functional zones in a mitochondrion

By: HWC, Views: 4614

A mitochondrion has a double membrane system. The outer membrane faces the cytoplasm. The inner membrane divides the organelles interior into two compartments. The enzymes that carry out the second stage reactions are in the semifluid matrix inside the inner compartment. Embedded in the ...

Normal and abnormal blood pH

By: HWC, Views: 6716

• Dissociation of the chemical substances in the body fluids can result in the production of free hydrogen ions. • The pH scale is used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution. • Normal blood pH values vary around 7.4. • When hydrogen ion concentration increases, t...

Plant Defense Mechanisms from Pathogens

By: HWC, Views: 6080

Plants and pathogens have coevolved such that pathogens can recognize plants by the sugars, or other molecules, they produce. Plants, in turn, can recognize pathogens by the molecules they produce. The ability to recognize pathogens allows plants to activate defense systems that can prevent wides...

DNA Sequences - Dideoxy Sequencing

By: HWC, Views: 5954

A short, radiolabeled primer is annealed to the single-stranded DNA to be sequenced. The DNA serves as a template for in vitro DNA synthesis. The DNA-primer mixture is split into four separate tubes. DNA polymerase and a solution of dNTPs are added to each tube. One of the four 2',3' dideoxy-N...
