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Results for: 'Vascular tissue'

Inflammation and Fever

By: HWC, Views: 9291

• Inflammation is an immune response that can occur anywhere in the body, but is observed most frequently on the skin. • It provides early protection by preventing infection from spreading to other parts of the body. • Inflammation also promotes repair of damaged tissues. Inflammat...

Labor and Childbirth - The Three Stages of Labor: Dilation, Expulsion & Placental مراحل الولادة

By: HWC, Views: 9233

Regulation of labor and birth - effects of estrogen and oxytocin on onset of labor • Just prior to birth, high placental corticotropin-releasing hormone levels stimulate the production of more estrogen. • High estrogen levels overcome the inhibitory effects of progesterone on uterine sm...

Gastrin (gastric emptying) & Secretin (buffering gastric acid)

By: HWC, Views: 8326

• Gastrin also binds to the smooth muscle cells in the stomach causing: • Increased gastric motility. • Opening of pyloric sphincter. • Increased gastric emptying. • The intestinal phase of digestion begins as chyme enters the duodenum. • The chyme's acidity can damage int...

Olfaction. or the sense of smell

By: HWC, Views: 6270

Do you ever wonder how you can distinguish thousands of different odors? Olfaction. or the sense of smell, is used by all mammals to navigate, find food, and even find mates. We have millions of olfactory receptors for smelling in our nose. These receptor neurons bind water-soluble or volatil...

Plant Defense Mechanisms from Pathogens

By: HWC, Views: 8265

Plants and pathogens have coevolved such that pathogens can recognize plants by the sugars, or other molecules, they produce. Plants, in turn, can recognize pathogens by the molecules they produce. The ability to recognize pathogens allows plants to activate defense systems that can prevent wides...

Brief Summary on Photosynthesis - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 7800

Can increase its weight by 150 pounds as it grows. Where does the new tissue come from? From the soil? From water? Or possibly from the air? The amazing truth is that new material. comes from an invisible gas in the air. In the process of photosynthesis, plants capture carbon dioxide ga...

Oxygen - hemoglobin dissociation curve & Hemoglobin's affinity with oxygen - acidity

By: HWC, Views: 9464

• The partial pressure of oxygen is a primary factor influencing the degree of saturation of hemoglobin. • The Po2 determines the number of oxygen molecules that can bind or dissociate from hemoglobin. • Blood in vessels coming from the lungs is very high in Po2 so saturation is high. ...

Types of antimicrobial substances (interferons & complement protein)

By: HWC, Views: 8845

• Found in blood and interstitial fluids. • Discourage microbial growth. • Include interferon and complement proteins. • Produced and released by virus-infected lymphocytes. • Enter new cells and inhibit viral replication. • Act against a large variety of viruses (non-speci...

Introduction to Mammography

By: Administrator, Views: 334

Mammography (also called mastography) is the process of using low-energy X-rays (usually around 30 kVp) to examine the human breast for diagnosis and screening. The goal of mammography is the early detection of breast cancer, typically through detection of characteristic masses or microcalcificat...
