ADH and the arterioles, kidneys, sweat glands and the Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Date Uploaded: 10/12/2019
Tags: Homework Clinic HWC ADH and arterioles vasopressin hypothalmus neurosecretory cells posterior pituitary gland blood osmotic pressure kidneys nephron tubules aquaporins sweat glands water retention Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) proximal convoluted tubule
• ADH is also known as vasopressin. • Produced by hypothalmus and secreted by neurosecretory cells in posterior pituitary gland. • Responds to high blood osmotic pressure representing low amounts of water in the blood. • Binds to smooth muscle cells in walls of arterioles, stimulates vasoconstriction. • Increases SVR and raises MABP back toward normal. ■ ADH binds to principal cells forming the walls of nephron tubules in kidney. ■ Stimulates tubules to add water pores (aquaporins) to surface membranes, increasing permeability of tubules to water. ■ Increased permeability increases reabsorption of water and blood volume. • Increased CO raises MASP back toward normal. • Water retention also returns blood osmotic pressure to normal. ■ ADH binds to the sweat glands, inhibiting sweating. • Greater water retention increases blood volume and helps normalize blood osmotic pressure. • Increased CO raises MABP back toward normal. • Secreted when increased blood volume stretches cells in the atria of the heart. • Lowers MABP via vasodilation, sodium and water excretion, and reduced blood volume. • Targets cells of proximal convoluted tubule in kidney. • Increases urine production by inhibiting retention of Na+ ions and water. • Less water retention lowers blood volume and returns MABP toward normal.
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