Oxygen transport: association and dissociation & Factors that affect hemoglobin's saturation with O2

Date Uploaded: 10/30/2019
Tags: homeworkclinic.com Homework Clinic HWC Oxygen transport oxyhemoglobin heme groups hemoglobin molecules tissue cells Factors that affect hemoglobin's saturation with oxygen saturated A chemical called BPG Hemoglobin type
• The production of oxyhemoglobin can be illustrated through the following reaction: 02 + Hb-H --) Hb-02 + H+ • This equation represents the binding of oxygen to the iron ions in heme groups in hemoglobin molecules. • Oxygen binding or loading occurs at the lungs • The dissociation of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin can be illustrated through the following reaction: H + Hb-02 ---) Hb-H + 02 • This equation represents the unbinding of oxygen from the iron ions in heme groups in hemoglobin molecules. • Oxygen unloading occurs at the tissue cells. • The binding and unbinding of oxygen to hemoglobin is governed by factors that allow hemoglobin to pick up oxygen in oxygen-rich environments and gave up oxygen in regions where It is needed. • A greater number of oxygen molecules binding to hemoglobin increases the saturation of hemoglobin. • When all of its oxygen binding sites are filled, hemoglobin is considered to be saturated and is called oxyhemoglobin. • Factors that affect the ability of hemoglobin to bind to or release oxygen include: • Po2. • pH. • Pco2. • Temperature. • A chemical called BPG. • Hemoglobin type.
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