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Results for: 'Miller's reaction chamber experiment Animation'

Enzyme structure - Properties of enzymes

By: HWC, Views: 6615

■ Enzymes are proteins that catalyze reactions. ■ Some enzymes have two parts: a protein or apoenzyme and a non-protein or cofactor. ■ Cofactor can be a metal ion or another organic molecule called a coenzyme. ■ Coenzymes often come from vitamins. ■ Cofactors affect the shape of...

Calvin Cycle Explained!

By: HWC, Views: 6363

he light-independent reactions make sugars by way of a cyclic pathway called the Calvin cycle. The cycle begins when rubisco attaches a carbon from carbon dioxide to ribulose bisphosphate. The molecule that forms splits into two molecules of PGA. Each PGA gets a phosphate group from ATP a...


By: HWC, Views: 5690

Living things must accomplish a great number of tasks just to get through a day, and these tasks are accomplished by a diverse range of biological molecules. In the range of tasks that molecules accomplish, however, proteins reign supreme. Almost every chemical reaction that takes place in living...

Mendel's Pea Experiment

By: HWC, Views: 6077

Sugar snap peas were common garden plants during Mendel's lifetime and many varieties undoubtedly grew in the abbey gardens. An avid gardener. this is where Mendel first made observations about pea plants. He noticed that certain characteristics of peas were passed from generation to generation. ...

Chromosome structural organization/ Mechanisms for chromosome movement Animation

By: HWC, Views: 2813

How the chromosome is organized. At metaphase, the chromosomes are duplicated and are at their most condensed. In each chromosome, two identical sister chromatids are held together at a constricted region called the centromere. When a chromosome is condensed, interactions among chromosomal ...

Glycolysis - and oxygen

By: HWC, Views: 6893

The first reactions involve a single 6-carbon glucose sugar undergoing phosphorylation using two ATP molecules and resulting in two 3-carbon compounds. • The rest of this pathway involves an oxidation reduction reaction, forming two reduced coenzymes, and generation of four ATP molecules. ...

Cognitive development by Piaget (Preoperational stage or intelligence)

By: HWC, Views: 5857

The next stage of cognitive development proposed by Piaget, is the preoperational stage, roughly between the ages of 2 and 7. At this stage Piaget asserted that a child has what he called preoperational intelligence. hey can mentally representing objects, but do not have a system for organising...

Activation Energy - Valence Electrons

By: HWC, Views: 6120

■ Shared electrons in the outermost orbital form bonds. These electrons are called valence electrons. ■ Valence electrons are disrupted and can be rearranged into a new bond. ■ The energy necessary to start a reaction and break bonds is called the activation energy. ■ Reactants have...

The Krebs Cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 891

The second-stage reactions of aerobic respiration. The second-stage reactions occur in a mitochondrion's inner compartment. In the first preparatory reaction, a carbon atom is stripped from pyruvate and released as carbon dioxide. The remaining carbons combine with coenzyme A and give ...
